Have You Been Given
Eyes That See and Ears That Hear?
Seeking Greater Truth: the ISR.

A Brief Prelude

Q - There is one question that has confounded me and I'd imagine many others above any other Scriptural question and that question is, when will the end be? Through the enlightenment granted me via the Set-apart Spirit I believe I've been empowered to boldly answer this question so using the Intsitute for Scriptural Research (ISR) Scripture I'll do that.

A - To answer this question we'll first look at Dani'el (Daniel) 12:11-12. Dani'el 12:11 opens with "And from the time that which is continual is taken away...". "That which is continual" is the mercy, the salvation, of Yod Hey Vav Hey - Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 5:25, Yeshayahu 9:12, Yeshayahu 9:17, Yeshayahu 9:21, Yeshayahu 10:4 - and it was taken away at the conclusion of the tribulation period: September 27th of 2017 to about August 24th of 2024. Please realize the end of the seven year tribulation period does not mean the end of the world, instead the tribulation period is the time Yod Hey Vav Hey separates His people from Satan's: Hazon (Revelation) 22:10-14. Know also Yod Hey Vav Hey uses the Hebrew calendar in which one year was three hundred sixty days. In Hazon 22:10-14 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey is judging all those who are not His as they are all damned to destruction in body and spirit: the meaning of eternal damnation. The verse continues saying "...and the abomination that lays waste is set up, is one thousand two hundred and ninety days". This one thousand two hundred and ninety days is the second half of the tribulation period during which His chosen are to complete the taking of His Good News to the world. Throughout all the tribulation period His chosen are to take His truth to the world. If at this time there is anyone Yod Hey Vav Hey desires to save whom His chosen have not reached with His Good News, Yod Hey Vav Hey will personally save them: Romiyim (Romans) 9:15-16. At the conclusion of the tribulation period, about August 24th of 2024, Yod Hey Vav Hey will stop saving: "...that which is continual is taken away...". That which is continual is taken away because the abomination that lays waste, Satan, is set up meaning the mercy of Yod Hey Vav Hey has ceased. Remember, Yod Hey Vav Hey and Satan cannot coexist, Yohanan (John) 14:29-31, as at this time Satan will be given complete dominion over all the earth. Although Satan was given great power with the death of the Messiah, their control will only be complete through the final six months of earth's existence: roughly August 25th of 2024 through February 24th of 2025. I previously thought the end of the tribulation meant the end of the world but, in light of my new understanding I realize it does not. The tribulation period is a time of distinction between the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey and the people of Satan who are the people of the world: Yohanan 15:18-19. Once the tribulation is complete the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey will go forty-five days into the time of Satan's complete dominion before we are raptured.

In Dani'el 12:12 we read "Blessed is he who is waiting earnestly, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days." This is the time of the rapture. The people of Yod Hey Vav Hey will be here forty-five days into the final six months which is the time of Satan's complete dominion. After forty-five days in Yod Hey Vav Hey will rapture the bodies of all the chosen and the saved reuniting them with their spirits. He will then rapture all the chosen who remain alive and finally He will mark and safeguard all the saved who remain alive for they will remain until the end: Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 9:1-11. There is another matter I must contend with here as the bodies of the lost will also be raised for the judgment but if so, where were their spirits while their bodies were in the ground? Once again Yod Hey Vav Hey answers this for us but, He must first open our eyes that we will see it: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 22:13-14. The spirits of the lost are kept in a holding place in a state of sleep until they are call back to their bodies for their judgment on Judgment Day. After this the torment will continue until the six months are complete but Yod Hey Vav Hey will remove or safeguard all who are His, both dead and alive, for if He did not remove the chosen and safeguard the saved whom He will leave His chosen who remained would require Him to ease the torment He is about to bring on the world: Marqos (Mark) 13:19-20. In verse 20 we're told "but because of the chosen ones, whom He chose, He shortened the days." He shortened the days for them, the chosen ones, only. Once again Dani'el 12:12 has been clearly telling us this for years however, I simple read right over it time and time again: "Blessed is he who is waiting earnestly, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days". Pray that Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim will show you truth and you will recognize that which has been before all of our eyes for years. Dani'el 9:24-27 also warrants a look so we'll take a look at it as well.

In Dani'el 9:24 the references to weeks is not a reference to the conventional seven day week. We can know this because in Dani'el 10:2 Yod Hey Vav Hey refers to a conventional seven day week as a week of days. We can also be certain it's not a year because in Dani'el 9:1-2 Yod Hey Vav Hey refers to a year as a literal year so, what is meant by weeks? Remembering Yod Hey Vav Hey uses the same verses to convey more than one idea we look closely and contemplate, what could it be that we do not immediately see? Then, behold! Let us assume with the use of the term weeks He meant six months and proceed with this assumption. Following this assumption would mean this verse is saying thirty-five years "are decreed for your people and for your set-apart city...and to anoint the Most Set-apart". What is Yod Hey Vav Hey saying to us here? He is telling us of the coming Messiah. In Dani'el 9:25 Yod Hey Vav Hey intricately weaves together the life and death of the Messiah with the restoration of the temple; do you see it? In this verse we read "...from the going forth of the command to restore and build Yerushalayim until Messiah the Prince is seven weeks and sixty-two weeks". Here we have it, the definitive answer to the age old question concerning the age of the Messiah at His death and all the while it's been right here. If weeks are equivalent to six months then sixty-two weeks is equivalent to thirty one years. This makes the Messiah thirty-one years old when He began to take to Good News to the world. This would also make seven weeks equal to three and one half years which was the length of His work making Him thirty-four and a half years old when He was sacrificed. All the while outwardly this verse is speaking about the rebuilding of Yerushalayim and all it says about it is true however, reading below the surface we see Yod Hey Vav Hey is blessing us with so much more; if He has also blessed you with eyes that truly see, ears that truly hear and a mind He has granted comprehension of Him.

In Dani'el 9:26 we read "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off and have naught". Notice the seven weeks are not counted here and this is because El saw His Son dead the minute He began to bring the Good News to the world: Yod Hey Vav Hey the Three Who are One is Omniscient. The remaining sentences in this verse are speaking of our day as the coming prince Gadre'el, the leader of Satan, will arrived with his fellow destroyers - "Xaphan, Chayyliel, Beleth and Penemue" - remember Yehezqel 9:1-2. The ending of this world will be a horror, a horror that must be seen to comprehend it's magnitude and scope. I believe the full torment of Judgement Day will be six months however, it's at four and a half months that Yod Hey Vav Hey will rapture His people, remember Dani'el 12:11-12, and just one hour later, remember Hazon 11:13, the final judgment of this world will begin: Mattithyahu 24:29-31. We must remember to Yod Hey Vav Hey a thousand years is as a day, Kepha Bet (2 Peter) 3:8, meaning six months He would certainly refer to as a day hence, Judgement Day for mankind is actually six months but it will worsen greatly forty-five days in and run for a seemingly eternal four and a half months beyond that. This is why Yod Hey Vav Hey uses three chapters, Hazon 6:1-8:13, to tell us of Judgement Day; He is telling us it's not one day. In Dani'el 9:27 we read "And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week". In this verse he is Satan and the week spoken of is the last six months of earth's existence. It's the time following the tribulation period, it's the time when Satan will be given complete control to do as they will. For the first forty-five days of these six months the chosen and the save will be here as the rapture is yet to be however, after the rapture it will literally be hell on earth. Yod Hey Vav Hey will rapture all the chosen and the saved who are dead. He will then rapture all the chosen who remain alive and finally he will mark and safeguard all the saved who remain alive for they will remain until the end: remember Yehezqel 9:1-11. These will be those spoken of in Hazon 11:13. Do you remember the numbers seven and ten represent completeness meaning all but those who humble themselves to Him are dead making these spoken of all those He has marked for salvation in Yehezqel 9:1-7. Know also at the rapture He will raise the lost who are dead as they must die the second death, Hazon 21:8, and they will suffer this torment in whatever condition He will bring them back: Yohanan 5:28-29. I believe however they died they will continue to suffer the torment of that death in addition to all the horrors of Judgment Day. As a related note we must notice Dani'el 12:2 and realize there are some who will not rise for the judgment: "many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth" but not all. Those who will not rise are the children of Adam and Eve before they sinned. These remained in the Garden of Eden when their parents were thrown out and they multiplied until they were no more. It was one of these Qayin, Cain, took to be his wife. Continuing with Dani'el 9:27 in the second sentence we read "And in the middle of the week he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering". This is telling us three months before the end of time Satan led by their leader Gadre'el will command all religious practices to cease and command everyone to worship them only. At this point Satan has absolute dominion over everything including how people worship and this is the granting of their greatest ambition. Although their dominion is short lived, they will reek pure havoc over all the earth. Regardless it's important everyone know, it's all the plan of Yod Hey Vav Hey: remember Yehezqel 9:1-11.

Facts In Scripture

Here we will focus our discussion on topics taken from Scripture. We'll deal with several misinterpretations that are walking many to eternal damnation. In all we must remember true understanding is a blessing given only by our Master Yod Hey Vav Hey given only to those He desires comprehend His truth: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 13:9-15. This simply means if He has not granted you understanding of His Word, you simply will not comprehend it. For Yod Hey Vav Hey is our merciful savior and He will initially grant you sufficient understanding to comprehend a little of His truth. Now, if you do not ignore His truth but seek it as the people of Beroia sought it in Ma'asei (Acts) 17:10-11 then in His great blessing He will reward you with ever greater wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Conversely because He is a Fair and Just Savior you may also choose to ignore His Way in which case He will ignore you allowing you to go your own way, Romiyim (Romans) 1:18-32, but just as you turn from Him He will give you "over to a worthless mind, to do what is improper" forever. As all mankind are born into the kingdom of Satan the end result is your eternal allegiance to Satan; for He will leave you in their kingdom eternally to suffer the fate of the damned.

How We'll Proceed

I think the best way to proceed in this portion is to pose a question you may have and answer it. This section will go on for the life of this posting for I will pose and answer ever question I can comprehend. I will also give you Scripture supporting my responses throughout this Q and A session. Now we will begin with...

Q - It seems at least a vast minority of the world is suffering with the same debilitating condition we see at home; although it's currently not quite this bad, we're getting there. It may be spoken of differently but, it's really the same condition. This is a problem that was destine to plagued America beginning December 23rd of 1913. That year was the very best Christmas ever: for a very few. It was actually the continuation of the Knights Templar's lending system which began with the great wealth the first nine Templars extracted from the ruins of Solomon's temple; but that's another story, for another time. Back to the topic at hand we wonder, how does the Hezbollah-Israel conflict fit into all this?

A - Well as America, so is Israel. As I've stated a vast minority of the world is suffering. Just as very few know of Israel's financial condition, I'm sure there are many nations throughout this world who fit into the same mold. You see, as of about 2014 the Knights Templar money system was in place worldwide with those who started playing sooner in the greatest debt; but I believe at this time, today, everyone is in debt. The world is in debt to them and so, payment has now come due. How will the world masters extract payment? It seems just as the Romans had massive coliseums where they watched all forms of brutal sports in which the losers lost their lives, so brutal games with many lives hanging in the balance will continue only all the world will be the arena.

Q - Wow! At first glance you might think we averted a world altering situation however, I beg to differ. As you see the problem still looms and the only solution has not changed so, how will we manipulate this situation?

A - If this were a poker game I'd say Russia has bluffed all the world. Emboldened by the strength of Russia's audacious bluff, which is actually much more than a mere bluff, China has stepped up it's game. Then as we look around the world we're seeing sheer distain for America's actions and the acts of her allies making you wonder. After learning the sentiments of some other nations, what nations will fight with America, England and Israel? It's beginning to look more and continually more like NATO may be falling apart. They're even suffering seeing NATO nations seeking BRICS memberships. The situation is bad and it's getting worse: quickly. America, England, Israel and whatever remains of NATO must move fast as their losing momentum and even more detrimental to their function, their losing membership. All the while BRICS is growing. America must act fast as her debt is rising continually, her support is fading almost as fast as her debt is rising and probably worst of all her adversaries are growing in number. With these critical factors in view we see America has no choice. The longer she waits to launch her attack, the stronger her adversaries grow both in number and obviously military might. Soon, very soon, they will remove the world currency status of the dollar and when that happens she won't be able to fund a war; she must move soon, very soon: October of 2024.

Q - As we watch, the tension builds. The big dog wants to bite however, everywhere it looks a bite will cost it its teeth. So the question is, does the big dog have a choice?

A - There isn't a more pressing issue for any nation today than its financial obligations and with one look we see America's financial health is the worst by far in all the world; there is no possibility of a cure. But wait minute, there is one possibility. If we could possibly overtake another nation and take what is theirs - their land, their resources, their people - this would solve all our problems; for a short while anyway. Regardless we must do what we must but, can we do what we must? Let's look a little closer at each of our adversaries individually to determine the threat level. Via NATO America is involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict so, we'll look at Russia's position first. Having seen that presentation we'll now take a look at China's position toward America. Viewing the aforementioned presentations I can only say all things are proceeding on schedule and it appears to me everything will be completed right on schedule: October of 2024.

Q - When will the end be? You need only watch and you'll soon see. As I said earlier things would move faster and continually faster as time progressed so here we'll look intently as we ask once again, when will the end be?

A - Having watched NATO continually transgress Putin's red lines we should all anticipate Putin's patients running out: soon. Considering this one might ponder the question, has Putin finally decided enough is enough? If he has we know he has Iranian support. We most certainly know he has North Korean support and the greatest blow to the NATO nations is Putin also has China's support. This essentially means all of BRICS will support him against NATO which essentially means NATO has problems. Stay tuned, this drama is only getting hotter and the guaranteed conflict is assuredly growing closer: October of 2024. Soon this western world will not exist and Satan will have all operations as they were initially; they'll have all operations overseas.

Q - In my previous article I said I would "get back on point" but then I realized, this is the point. In this paper I've prophesied what the Scripture tells us and now we must ask, do we see evidence of this in the world?

A - In this world you must keep your head on a swivel as there are many things all simultaneously tugging at your attention. Everything from political elections to what's for dinner, the list is seemingly endless. In this environment it's easy to lose track of what's truly significant but, that would prove detrimental. Although all that will be will be, I think it's still better to know. Taking this approach we'll first look at what we can know. Proceeding with our understanding of Scripture I must accept this soldier's accounting of what's going on in this conflict. Furthermore, it all fits perfectly with what we're seeing occur in this scrimmage. All this seems to be leading to a great conflict that will cost the world hundreds of thousands of lives. All the western world will be lost - Canada, America, South America, Mexico, the Virgin Islands and Australia - as well as many lives over seas. According to Dani'el 7:1-7 this conflict will completely erase America from the map and I'm assuming all her alias in the west will go with her; this will most certainly include Australia. In Dani'el 7:3-5 we're seeing the bear, Russia, devour the remains of the eagle, America. We can know the eagle is destroyed as in Dani'el 7:4 we see the eagle's wings are plucked off the lion, England, and the beaten lion is made to stand as a man. This signifies the lion has been humbled; the fate America would prefer destruction over acceptance of, so, destruction America will meet. I do commend America as we'll all go out like men; we're going out but, we're going out like men. You might say, "what about my son or my daughter who is only a child and has not lived yet"? This is a legitimate concern for one who does not understand so, briefly, we'll deal with this issue.

If you don't understand it makes perfect sense that this would concern you however, you can rest assured Yod Hey Vav Hey knew all of us before we ever were, Kepha Aleph (1 Peter) 1:2, so He won't condemn anyone who is not destine for condemnation. Meaning you can relax, if your child was to be chosen or saved they will be regardless to their age. It is also telling you if you or your child were not chosen or saved from before the foundation of this world there is no hope, Tehillim (Psalms) 58:3-5, and reverend Ike, regardless how much you tithe to him, can't help; he can't even help himself. Nevertheless, it is given unto us all to strive for salvation for we can not know the mind of Yod Hey Vav Hey. Getting back to the topic at hand it seems Scripture has foretold exactly what we're seeing. I believe China is the leopard described in Dani'el 7:6. If you can accept my interpretation of the Scripture you'll recognize our time is very short as conflict brews between NATO and BRICS. We see conflict looms between China and America. All communication between North Korea and America has broken down and now they actually seek conflict with America. Russia is clearly the most powerful nation in the world and largely for financial reasons America has set itself at odds with them so I only ask, how can we win. All the NATO nations are small and are in a horrible financial state. Many of them are actually dependent on Russian oil for survival so, considering our disadvantaged hand, how do we win this conflict? Well according to Scripture, we don't. All this is scheduled to occur by around October 15th to the 25th so, we need only wait about six weeks and see.

Q - While watching X.com today I saw a series of presentations that made me think. I previously thought the illegals were brought into America to be cannon fodder in the coming conflict with Russia and this could still be one of their purposes. But what if that were only one aspect of the plan? After watching several presentations today I began to think and what if?

A - Let me get right to the point. Here are three brief presentations, take a look at the first and now the second and finally the third. Tell me, with all the other chaos going on in America and all the world, would this not be among the final straws for America? We'd need to fight at home and abroad tearing the country apart. We would ultimately be fighting ourselves as the government would eventually seek order in an environment of complete disorder. There was a comment made on at least one of these presentations blaming the Biden-Harris administration but, that's only the initial part of the prophesy. I can certainly see a Trump-Vance administration fulfilling the second portion of this plan. This is just me thinking on paper; I'll get back on point in the next presentation but, agenda 47 is something to think about.

Q - Yitshaq, Isaac, and Ribqah, Rebekah, had two sons they named Ya'aqob, Jacob, and Esaw, Esau. Through these two men Yod Hey Vav Hey is showing us His plan for mankind so, let us look at what He is showing us.

A - We see in Romiyim (Romans) 9:9-13 His plan for mankind. He is telling us through His omniscience He already knows everything about each one of us, so surely He already knows your eternal fate. Yes this was just Ya'aqob and Esaw but, we are to understand Scripture is given to us to provide an example that we will know how He is working in everyones life. This is saying Ya'aqob and Esaw, as it is the case with all Scripture, are just an example for the readers. We'll now look at the life of Yoseph who is called Joseph in the King James Bible; he was next to Ya'aqob's last child. We'll look at that portion of his life recorded in Bereshith (Genesis) 37:1-40:23 as it too is a growth stage in the life of one chosen by Yod Hey Vav Hey. Notice the grooming, shaping and molding Yod Hey Vav Hey put Yoseph through all those years to prepare him for what was to come. All great leaders are shaped by Yod Hey Vav Hey that they all fit perfectly into His leadership mold. Another excellent example of this is David so, let us look at his beginnings. When looking at David we must also look at a little of the life of Sha'ul, Saul, as Yod Hey Vav Hey is bothered by the Jews to make a man their leader: Shemu'el Aleph (1 Samuel) 8:1-13:14. Yod Hey Vav Hey picked the best of the bunch still He knew this man was not fit to lead however, he did possess all the physical characteristics men look for in a leader. In Shemu'el Aleph 13:1-14 it becomes blatantly evident Sha'ul was not the man to lead Yisrael and Yod Hey Vav Hey knew this before He made him leader but, the Jews demanded a leader to lead them like the nations of the world had leading them. Are you seeing the error of the Jews? It's the same error many make today. Simply put, keeping up with the Jones is always bad. In this case it was a whole nation Jonesing after other nations and this Jonesing was actually the cause of Yisrael's eventual demise. At the time Sha'ul was made leader David was too young to lead the nation; Yod Hey Vav Hey knew he wasn't ready. So we see Yod Hey Vav Hey grooms David even in battle with Sha'ul for Yisrael, Shemu'el Aleph 17:1-18:30, until he is ready; only then will He make him leader of His people. Do you see the pattern?

We see this pattern also held true for all those who were apostles; both those who walked with the Messiah and those who did not: Galatiyim (Galatians) 1:1-24. From this we are to deduct truth and the truth is Yod Hey Vav Hey is omniscient and He exists beyond the realm of time. Consequently He has chosen His from before the foundation of the world, Ephsiyim (Ephesians) 1:1-23, but here comes the truly Good News. Unless you are among the chosen you do not know whether His salvation plan includes you. This means if you seek salvation you should live as though you are saved as only He knows our status and who knows, maybe you are one of the one third Yod Hey Vav Hey plans to save, Zekaryah (Zechariah) 13:8-9, in lieu of the one third of His messengers Satan took: Hazon (Revelation) 12:1-4.

Q - It's becoming more and evermore apparent in many articles I read and videos I see that prophecy is being fulfilled. How will this be fulfilled? Let us take a look and see.

A - What were seeing here done in just a couple days is only the beginning and it can't be compared to what will occur very soon. Do I truly believe this? Yes, I do simply because we saw Putin possibly giving Xi Jinping what was believed to be a nuclear briefcase nearly a year ago. Having seen the previous presentation, would you say this was always the plan? The people of the world had the opportunity to avert this but, we didn't. How could we have known? Well, there was at least one suttle clue. Did you catch the 2014 date correlation between the Guidestones block and the leaked documents mentioned in "Putin's Nuclear Shocker"? That 2014 block was not part of the original Guidestones structure but a spot was cutout for it when the Guidestones were constructed. I believe it was then added and removed at a predetermined time and this was done because Yod Hey Vav Hey told Satan they must tell us what they will do before they do it or He will not allow it. I'll leave that alone for now as it's taking me off topic and I'll simply say the earth's population will be reduced continuously and significantly until the rapture when the population will increase dramatically. Until then you need only watch what is happening as it's now too late to anticipate any change.

Q - Looking at this world system, all that keeps every society functioning, we should all be disquieted. For nearly everywhere we look we see rampant destruction and seemingly endless turmoil. However it shouldn't alarm those of us who read Scripture, simply because we were told all these things would be: Marqos (Mark) 13:7-13. So here we'll look at the Middle East with a focus on the Hezbollah-Israel conflict.

A - The Middle East presents several particularly interesting situations but today we'll direct our attention to the Hezbollah-Israel conflict. This is not intended to be a history lesson but to truly understand what is going on we must have a little historical background. With that out of the way we'll now take a look into Scripture and answer the question, "who is the true Jew"?

In Bereshith (Genesis) 11:31 we see Abram or Abraham's roots were in Ur-kasdim or Babylon. In Bereshith 12:1-3 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey has promised Abraham a great blessing. This great blessing you'll learn later is to make him the father of a nation. Be certain you remember Bereshith 11:31 as it is a fact crucial to the point I'm making. Let us take a look at Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 23:13 and although this verse is cryptic it is saying this land of Babylon was established by the king of Assyria for those "Assyrians" who couldn't make it in Assyria and were living in the woods. Remember Bereshith 11:31 told us this was the root of Abraham and Abraham is the root of every true Jew: Abraham was Assyrian. This means the Jews were Assyrian before Yod Hey Vav Hey made them Jews and bought them out of Egypt. This also explains the initial close relationship between Babel, Babylon, and Yehudah, Judah, for they knew they were brothers: Melakim Bet (2 Kings) 20:1-19. In all this I'm assuming you know the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. How conditions forced Jacob into the land of Egypt were he was reunited with his son Joseph and all the people multiplied until Yod Hey Vav Hey sent Mosheh, Moses, back to Egypt after a forty year exile to free the Assyrians He had not yet identified as Jews. If you accept Scripture, you can accept these facts. If you can accept the facts presented, follow me as I give a brief analysis of the Hezbollah-Israel conflict.

From all we've gathered from the Scripture it's clear the Hungarians in Israel are not true Jews; the true Jew is Assyrian or Syrian but Yod Hey Vav Hey stripped them of that knowledge because of their disobedience. This I believe is the root of the hate these Hungarians have for Bashar al-Assad and all Syria but, very few know this truth. Today all the world suffers from the same disobedience that has made the true Jews, the Syrians, spiritual nomads: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 30:8-11. Yod Hey Vav Hey has had His fill of this so mercy has reached its end, only Judgment Day remains.

Q - It seems Russia is in a tight spot and where things were once looking up for that nation things seem to have taken a downturn. Their economy is once again taking a hit while their most significant ally seem to be turning their back and these factors combine to paint a less than glowing future for Russia so, what does a nation do given such circumstances?

A - Well when the nation is Russia, it's all par for the course; it's nothing new but, I think now their steps forward will be uniquely different from what anyone would have imagined. To begin with in its poverty Russia has managed to develop, build and deploy what is "unquestionably" the most lethal military weapon on earth. And we really can't know how many they have. Consider that weapon for a just a few moments and realize, although with Satan 2 they don't need it, they have also developed many other uniquely lethal weapons no one has any defense against. When we consider this along with the reality that a large percentage of Russia lives in poverty you must ask, who stands to lose the most if conflict erupts and Russia is forced to use these weapons? Now one might say, "well if we don't poke the bear and take our chances we'll soon be a third world nation". Okay that's a legitimate concern but, the alternative is saying "hello Satan 2"; but too bad for you, you'll never make that choice.

Q - Today is August 23rd meaning we're quickly approaching August 25th which I believe is the end of the Tribulation Period. I also believe we're seeing several very important things beginning to materialize so, here we'll have a look.

A - Most significantly we see NATO has enabled Ukraine to attack inside Russia and now Putin and Russia respond; they've poked the bear. In the Independent they say without drastic strategic changes America would quickly lose a conflict with China however, we needn't be concerned with that. According to Scripture it's not China, it's Russia that will eliminate America: Dani'el (Daniel) 7:2-8. Considering the Russia - Ukraine conflict and the involvement of NATO this seems to be developing exactly as Scripture tells us it would. And in accordance with the ending of the Seven Year Tribulation and the rest of the timeline we're given I'd say we had no more than sixty days from today before the sparks begin to fly. You must stay alert as from here until the end everything will happen very quickly. You see the world economy is tumbling and as you just heard in the preceding presentation this level of decline can only be corrected by a world war. This is to say WW3 will very soon be; an educated guess, within sixty days from today. If you read Dani'el 7:2-8 you also know the lion is beaten and forced to stand as a man: it's no longer the fierce beast it once was. And the eagle wings are no longer spoken of because the eagle has been completely annihilated by the bear. My advice is to begin saying your goodbyes now. Even if you don't mention your suspicion to the other party, pay them that final visit or give them that final call for I believe the end is upon us.

Q - It's initially difficult to accept that all this world belongs to Satan, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 4:8-10, however once we grasp this truth we begin to look at the world through another lens. Here we'll put on our scriptural specs and look closely at mankind's religious practices.

A - We'll open this analysis with a look at two faiths in particular: the followers of the King James Bible and the beliefs of Ellen G White and the Seven-day Adventist Church. I believe a fundamental understanding of either of these faiths in comparison with the truths espoused in this paper clearly show the God of these faiths is not Yod Hey Vav Hey. To begin with there is no need for any deep analysis of any truth espoused by the King James Bible. We can all clearly see a homosexual is one under the judgment of Yod Hey Vav Hey, Romiyim (Romans) 1:18-32, and King James was as open a homosexual as he could have been in his time. I'm sure you couldn't help but notice the joking sentiment surrounding the whole issue however, this is not to be taken lightly; this is all against the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey. Recognizing the actual life of King James was against the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey, can you comprehend Him having anything to do with a Bible commissioned by King James: Hazon (Revelation) 22:18-19? Walk with me and we'll take a quick look at the Seven-day Adventist.

To begin with Ellen G White was one of the founders of the Seven-day Adventist faith and she was a woman. Has anyone read Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 14:33-35? Upon reading this I truly find it difficult to comprehend an entire belief system founded even in part by a woman. Do you believe this woman after being told by Yod Hey Vav Hey to "keep silent" thought for one second she was bringing the word of Yod Hey Vav Hey? Ellen G White also professed having over 2,000 dreams and visions at a time when Yod Hey Vav Hey brought no one a dream or vision: Yohanan 14:29-31. Here Yahushua speaks as the Three Who are One and He is telling us He will speak with us until His death after which He will not speak to us again until the rapture. A dream or vision is a means of the Father speaking to us so, is the Father now a liar? If not, then, Ellen G White's dreams and visions had another source: Shemu'el Aleph (1 Samuel) 28:3-25. This is the reason Yod Hey Vav Hey no longer brings dreams or visions. If Satan can bring dreams and visions as they brought Sha'ul, how is a person to know who is bringing them the dream? This is the reason Yod Hey Vav Hey stopped bringing dreams and visions after the death of the Messiah and His last apostle. Unfortunately today many people are unaware of this which means Satan is misleading and taking many; this included Ellen G White and, quite possibly, all her followers: Hazon 2:18-25.

Q - Can one who is of Yod Hey Vav Hey know the world's final day and hour?

A - Yes! In Tas' loniqim Aleph (1 Thessalonians) 5:1-6 Yod Hey Vav Hey is telling us in His time He will tell His when the end will be. In Bereshith (Genesis) 7:1-5 we see He actually did tell Noah as He assures us He will tell us in Tas' loniqim Aleph 5:1-6. Take a look at Tas' loniqim Aleph 5:1-3 and if you've been blessed with eyes that see you'll immediately recognize these verses are written to lost mankind. Continue reading Tas' loniqim Aleph 5:4-6 and you'll see these verse are not written to the lost but to the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey. The proof of this starts in Tas' loniqim Aleph 5:4 as Sha'ul says "But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief". Instantly you should realize he is speaking to a different group of people, different from the first three verses; he's speaking to his brothers, those of his Father Yod Hey Vav Hey. Let's break this down. Beginning at the beginning we understand his use of the term brothers to mean fellow children of Yod Hey Vav Hey. He then says his brothers "are not in darkness" and we should understand this to mean they see because they too are children of the light. They are children of Yod Hey Vav Hey and He has opened their eyes as well. Sha'ul continues with "so that this Day should overtake you as a thief" and this is the quintessential point, we will not be overtaken as thieves. Yod Hey Vav Hey in His time will open our eyes that we will see: Amos (Amos) 3:7. Yes, in His time the chosen and the saved will know when Judgment Day will be.

Q - Will we notice any change in our lives as time progresses toward the end?

A - Most assuredly we will. As we move closer and ever closer to the last day in time we're seeing incomes taken away. If we pay attention we'll realize the higher salaried positions began to go first. This means the most difficult incomes to replace are being lost first, at a time when inflation and unemployment are at about their worse in thirty years; rest assured, it's guaranteed to get even uglier. Needless to say but, the common people were losing their jobs even before COVID and it's about to get much worse. We're also seeing the masses futile attempt to live their dreams of the good life which only assures them all a horrible end. Home prices and everything associated with home ownership is through the roof while we continue seeing more and seemingly eternally more people are losing their homes.

Consequent to the tremendous expense involved with owning apartment complexes combined with the ever pressing financial times many of these property owners are forced into "deals with devils" to survive. Very often apartment complexes become recruiting grounds for Satan as they press residents in a variety of ways to join-up or be continuously tormented. To everyone who may find themselves in a "tight-spot", I say hold on for the end is quickly approaching. This is the time we're told of in Hazon (Revelation) 22:10-14 when we will all see how well we stand or how far we'll fall.

Q - After the question "when will the end be" one of the next most asked questions might be "when was the Messiah born"? This turns out to be an incredibly significant question because, as we'll soon discover, it could be the same month and day on which the rapture will occur. Let us take a look.

A - The very thought that this is a possibility reinforces a sense of poetic serenity in my life and, if you can comprehend what I'm attempting to explain, it should in your life as well. I'd like you to take a look at When Was Jesus Really Born by Stephanie Hamman. Go down the page to the paragraph titled Modern Theories and there you'll find the believed birth date of the Messiah given as October 20th. Ladies and gentlemen, this is just about the day in the year 2024 I anticipate Yahushua is coming back to raise all the dead. It is the day of the rapture for all who are His and the beginning of the final four and one half months of torment for the rest. I spoke of this time above in "A Brief Prelude". I am unable to nail it down to a day however, as I see it the end of the Tribulation is about August 25th of 2024. On August 26th of 2024 Judgment Day will begin and it will run six months. We'll all go forty-five days into Judgment Day then, the rapture will be; remember Dani'el 12:12 says "Blessed is he who is waiting earnestly, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days". This is forty-five days beyond the end of the tribulation period. Please read Dani'el (Daniel) 12:11-12 and understand Yod Hey Vav Hey is telling you forty-five days into Judgment Day He will rapture those He will rapture and safeguard those He will safeguard; to judgment, hell, with all the rest: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 7:21-23. This is also telling us Judgment Day is not one day further validating my six month assessment of Judgment Day. Allow me to insert this interesting aside. Kamala Harris, quite possibly the final President of the United States, was born on October 20th of 1964.

Today is July 27th of 2024. If I'm correct, certainly all I see says I'm correct, we've got very little time for anything. I'd recommend every husband kiss his wife and vice versa. Tell all your families and true friends you love them then, get ready for the greatest thrill or the most horrendous torment to come in every lifetime.

Q - In life today in societies around the world a majority of marriages end in divorce. What does the word of Yod Hey Vav Hey say concerning divorce?

A - This is a hot topic so I'll skip the soft lead-in and go right to the heart of the issue. Take a look at Luqas (Luke) 16:18 where we see Yahushua is teaching us the way of the Kingdom and He tells us here in plain English you can not divorce. If you divorce and remarry or marry someone who is divorced and either of your mates still lives or if you've never been married but your mate to be is divorced and their mate still lives you're committing adultery and so are they. There is no way around this. You can not marry someone who is divorced if their mate still lives: Romiyim (Romans) 7:2-3. Therefore you must make a simple determination; who do you love? Do you love Yahushua, Yohanan (John) 14:21, or are you one Yod Hey Vav Hey has or will give over to sin as in Romiyim 1:18-32?

Q - How does Yod Hey Vav Hey view homosexuality and lesbianism?

A - Take a look at Romiyim 1:18-32 for a straight forward answer. You must recognize Yod Hey Vav Hey is telling us plainly in Romiyim 1:20-28 these desires are not normal desires but "...Elohim gave them over to degrading passions"; need He say anymore? Well, if you still can't accept this He does say more. In Marqos (Mark) 14:51-52 He exemplifies this as it's clear the young man was intended by Satan to tempt the earthly portion of the Messiah. This is telling us clearly, homosexuality is a tool of Satan; it's a tool they use to cause all those whom they are able to manipulate to fall.

Q - Today it seems there are a few who find it becoming to dress in drag. What does Yod Hey Vav Hey say about a man or woman wearing the clothing of the opposite sex?

A - Yod Hey Vav Hey is once again straight forward regarding this issue. Read Debarim (Deuteronomy) 22:5 and if you can read with any understanding at all it should be obvious. Yod Hey Vav Hey intended a man to be a man in every respect and a woman to be a woman in every respect. I don't see the need for any further explanation.

Q - Many people believe there are only the chosen and the lost with the saved and chosen being the same. Is this true?

A - No! This is not true for it is He "who has saved us and called us with a set-apart calling": Timotiyos Bet (2 Timothy) 1:8-10. Those saved are taken from the world by Yod Hey Vav Hey and given to His chosen when we all reach His Kingdom: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 49:20-23. In Yeshayahu 26:19-21 we are told of the plan of Yod Hey Vav Hey for the three types of mankind: chosen, saved and lost respectively. From the aforementioned verses it would seem being saved would be the hope of all those who were not chosen but, unfortunately, this is not so. The majority today either don't care at all or they believe they can come to Yod Hey Vav Hey whenever they're ready. However we are to follow the example of Yahushua and in this example we see Yod Hey Vav Hey selected His chosen, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 4:18-20, to go throughout the world gathering His saved, Marqos (Mark) 6:7-11, through sharing the record of Yahushua His Son and the knowledge of Yod Hey Vav Hey. It is the task of the chosen to take the Word as far and as wide as we each are enabled but, one chosen cannot know who Yod Hey Vav Hey will save. The Father selects us all, chosen and saved, and gives each of us to His Son, Yohanan (John) 6:37-39. We are all born lost, consequently we must all be redeemed from the dominion of Satan: remember Yeshayahu 43:1-7.

Q - Many people firmly believe in their church. They believe the church is the way to salvation but, is it?

A - Have you ever read Mattithyahu (Matthew) 27:50-53? If you read it and you were blessed with understanding, Mattithyahu 13:9, you would instantly know truth. The truth is "the veil of the Dwelling Place was torn in two from top to bottom..."; do you recognize what this is saying? Behind the veil was the most Set-apart place on earth because that was the only place Yod Hey Vav Hey dwelt on earth. When His Son was sacrificed "the veil of the Dwelling Place was torn in two from top to bottom..."; He exposed His dwelling place because He no longer dwelt there. His dwelling place was in the church but from that time until the end of time He no longer dwells there. Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't see this you should truly be afraid for your eyes undeniably remain shut from birth and you have not been given understanding: Yohanan (John) 12:40. Notice El must open your eyes, then and only then can Yahushua save you. Yod Hey Vav Hey sees all past, present and future occurrences simultaneously and knowing this we should clearly understand what Yahushua is telling us in Yohanan 14:30. If you don't, allow me to explain. With the death of the Messiah Satan's primary obstruction to uncontested domain was removed. Satan began assuming dominion over all things earthly from that time until the end of time and this includes every religious meeting place because they are all one ; this is only further proof Satan owns all this world: Mattithyahu 4:8-10. Stated clearly all the world and everything of this world belongs to Gadre`el and his corrupt clan known collectively as Satan: Xaphan, Chayyliel, Gadre`el, Beleth and Penemue.

Today there are 4,300 different faiths in the world but there is only One who is worthy of worship and His truth, in truth, is not available to mankind as all this world is under the dominion of devils: remember Mattithyahu 4:8-10. Hazon (Revelation) 22:18-19 has been given to us that we may know every word of Yod Hey Vav Hey has been corrupted including the ISR hence, we have Romiyim (Romans) 9:15-16 further proving all mankind can do is pray, if they will.

Q - Many people attend a religious service every Saturday or Sunday and say they love Jesus. Well, I see a problem with that. If they truly loved Jesus, don't you think they would take the time to learn of Him in truth? I'm curious, if one loves Jesus wouldn't they seek to know all they could about Him? After all, how does one love someone they don't know? Let's look more closely at this.

A - Yahushua is the One mankind are referring to when they call to or speak of Jesus so, why not call Him by His true name? The reason is simple. If you call the Savior by another name, do you really think He will respond? Satan knows this and they have stolen the true knowledge of the Word so, when Satan is reaching for you and you call on Jesus you will very shortly surely be visited by a demon. It's all part of the plan. It's the primary reason Yod Hey Vav Hey allowed Satan to modify the Scripture and produce the many existing bibles. Remember when Yahushua said it was given to His apostles to know the secrets of heaven but to the rest it was not: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 13:3-13; well the lost state of the world is an outgrowth of that for Yahushua did not come to bring peace: remember Luqas (Luke) 12:49-53. So I'm sure you're asking, how can this be? Well I'll simply say look around at all the people who are acknowledging they are part of Satan's rein with their hand signs to their satanic brothers and sisters. Then realize all the world is only an extension of Satan's kingdom and you may wonder, how did this happen? The answer is with the fall of Adam and Eve Satan earned the right to visit any of mankind they desired for we are all theirs from birth unless Yod Hey Vav Hey will intervene: Romiyim (Romans) 9:11-16. Yod Hey Vav Hey intervenes by blessing those whom He will make His own with the wisdom and the heart to call on Him in the way He will hear; without this blessing mankind are forever lost. Consequent to their lack of this guidance lost mankind have no cover, put another way no escape; Satan will make them a deal they literally can't refuse. They can't refuse it because they have no alternative. A demon will give them all the opportunity to negotiate and negotiate they must for none among the lost know how to nor have it in their hearts to call on Yod Hey Vav Hey and this is the intent of Yod Hey Vav Hey. It's intended that His people will know some secrets of heaven, the rest will not: remember Mattithyahu 13:3-13. All those too busy to learn of Him in truth, will stay with Satan for it was the things of Satan they prioritized: all the things of this world. When you consider this there is no difference between the multimillion dollar movie star or athlete, the one or two time big money lotto winner, the guy who gets a job at Tasty Cake with an apartment and a car or even the drug-head who is able to get their drugs. Ultimately they're all the same as they're all in the same sinking canoe without paddles but, from an outsiders point of view, considering the compensation the deal is getting progressively worse. Regardless, a deal is a deal and if you make any deal with the devil you're locked in: Shemu`el Aleph (1 Samuel) 15:1-35. You have turned away from Yod Hey Vav Hey and He will have nothing to do with you from then through your end: Shemu`el Aleph 28:4-25. Notice in Shemu`el Aleph 13:13-14 and again in Shemu`el Aleph 15:23 Yod Hey Vav Hey has told us He has turned from Sha`ul. Yod Hey Vav Hey is not a man; His decisions are final. We must also be careful to realize this is all the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey meaning He may have mercy on whomever He sees fit. Which I say to mean He may save one who never even knew His name, if it pleases Him: remember Romiyim 9:15-17.

Paying attention today you'll notice many people flashing you signs with their fingers or shaking your hand in some weird fashion. It seems about thirty percent of society is in the satanic click and those are only the ones who expose themselves to you for whatever reason. That's already thirty percent of society now, add to that an equal or greater number who don't expose themselves to you and you're looking at the state of this world today. If you would even consider the great progress Satan has made at harvesting the world you'd be forced to recognize August 2024 is very likely the month beginning the six months of the great day: Judgment Day. In the first forty-five days of this six month period the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey will endure Judgment Day with the lost but, they will be protected: Dani'el (Daniel) 12:11-12. The aforementioned verses of Dani'el are telling us clearly after forty-five days of Judgment Day the rapture will occur. Let's say we use American society as our standard for all the world. Now if we have a minimum of sixty percent of society "in Satan's click" in early 2022 and the current economic conditions are as conducive as they are to an exponential harvest, can you comprehend Satan gathering all those their going to keep very soon? Keep in mind Elohim is keeping one third of all mankind to replace the one third of His messengers taken by Satan: Zekaryah (Zechariah) 13:8-9 and Hazon (Revelation) 12:1-4. At some point near the culmination of all this you can count on WW3, Dani'el (Daniel) 7:1-8, to begin the climactic crescendo leading to the last six months of proposed peace or the earth's final week. About the middle of the week, three to three and one half months into these final months Satan is revealed to all the world and the ultimate end of this world begins: Hazon (Revelation) 11:1-13.

I'm somewhat curious to know just what percentage of the Saturday and Sunday church crowd would accept any of the truths I've presented in the previous two paragraphs. I actually believe the percentage is zero as all of this crowd would consider these truths taken directly from Scripture antithetical to their interpretation of Scripture. This is simply because they don't want the Scripture of Yod Hey Vav Hey, they want their version of truth, Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 30:8-11, and acceptance of the truth of Yod Hey Vav Hey is not compatible with their desires. Regardless, these truths are integral to the adherence to Scripture but most church members won't accept them beginning with the true name of the Messiah and the rejection of the man attributed label Jesus provided by Satan. And as I've shown in a preceding paragraph if you can't accept His name you can't call on Him when Satan will come to make you the offer no one refuses.

Q - Yod Hey Vav Hey has given us the Scripture as a guide for our lives. It can be our guide because all that happened to Yisra`el and Yehudah applies to us, all of us living in the world today. The Scripture is giving us the history of Yisra`el, Yehudah and all the world; so, what do we have to look forward to?

A - Read Amos 7:7-9 with particular emphasis on Amos 7:8-9 and if you've been blessed with eyes that see you'll clearly understand what our Master is telling us. In Amos 7:8 Yod Hey Vav Hey is telling us He is dividing those in the religious meeting places into two groups; one He will make His own, the other He will leave in the kingdom of Satan. In Amos 7:9 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey telling us He is commanding all "the high places of Yitshaq shall be laid waste, and the set-apart places of Yisra`el shall be destroyed". These are all the places of false worship throughout the world today. These places represent false worship because Yod Hey Vav Hey is all there is to be worshiped and they do not worship Yod Hey Vav Hey. He left every place of worship in this world with the death of His Son: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 27:50-53; He left it all to Satan: Yohanan (John) 14:30. Consequently the resulting world does not worship Him, they worship Satan: remember Mattithyahu 10:34-40. Through their false religions many others worship themselves or nothing at all which is still Satan worship as worship of anything but Yod Hey Vav Hey the one Elohim is the worship of Satan: Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 8:7-12. Did you realize there were "seventy men of the elders of the house of Yisra`el" Yod Hey Vav Hey pointed out in this verse? You should know by now seven, ten or multiples there of represent completeness or all. This is telling us the state of all mankind today without the intervention of Yod Hey Vav Hey is death in life and flesh. All the world today excepting only those chosen and those saved by Yod Hey Vav Hey are in the kingdom of Satan where they will remain through the end.

Q - Today we see nearly everywhere we look fighting and the threat of ever worse fighting always looms. Starvation is claiming lives on every continent and it's growing worse daily. Soon people will be forced to see life is only a trial. A trial to determine whether a man will accept the true knowledge of Yod Hey Vav Hey but, when they finally realize this will it be too late?

A - If we read Amos 8:11-14 the intent of Yod Hey Vav Hey should be clear to us all. The time is coming and soon will be that people will long for the truth of Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim but, they will not find it. That will be the time of Amos 8:7-10 and you only need to open your eyes to see the world is quickly becoming that place. The time is quickly approaching, Judgment Day, when the harsh judgment of Yod Hey Vav Hey will be known by many: Amos 9:10.

We already know Yod Hey Vav Hey is omniscient which is telling us He knows all things. One who knows all things will certainly know the future for mankind which means no one He did not intend from before the foundation of this world will know damnation. This is not an excuse for the corrupt to do wrong but it should be motivation for all to strive evermore ardently toward the good; for no one can know the intent of Yod Hey Vav Hey: Romiyim (Romans) 9:15-16.

Q - Like many things put forth by the world the theory of evolution is in direct conflict with the word of Yod Hey Vav Hey. However the nonsense of space travel, countless other galaxies and the earth being a round ball spinning with eight other balls at phenomenal speeds through a Milky Way is the worst. Let's solve this once and for all.

A - To begin with the earth is not a ball spinning in the sky rotating at it's equator 1,037,5646 miles per hour. If it were how is it that societies exist all over this earth without falling, actually flying off? No gravitational pull, which science can't explain anyway, would not be sufficient to hold men and all there is on earth down at the rotational speed given. And the half-baked explanation of it's like being on a plane that's why you can't feel it is lame. I've flown many times and I do feel the motion of a plane think not, try taking on altitude or dropping altitude maybe hit some turbulence and that's only the extreme. Coming back to earth it's not a big beach ball spinning through space; it's a flat plane sitting stationary where Yod Hey Vav Hey put it at it's creation: Hazon (Revelation) 7:1. In light of Hazon 7:1 I must ask, does a ball have four corners? Yod Hey Vav Hey placed it where He wanted it at it's creation, who could move it? It does not rotate but the sun and moon, which are balls, rotate around it. In Bereshith (Genesis) 1:1-23 Yod Hey Vav Hey tells us exactly how He created this world and it's the only creation story there is for there is no other means by which anything has been created. Remember, creation is making something from nothing and only Yod Hey Vav Hey can do that. He created man from the earth so man could commune with the earth and all Yod Hey Vav Hey created of it; an ability mankind lost when Adam and Eve sinned against Yod Hey Vav Hey.

Q - Many people say they don't understand how a righteous Heavenly Father judges and destroys "innocent" children in the judgment. Let's look into this, shall we.

A - To begin with Yod Hey Vav Hey is omniscient meaning He knows all things. If you believe He is omniscient then you'll have no problem with this proof based on Melakim Aleph (1 Kings) 14:12-13. For just as Yod Hey Vav Hey has created a living earth that fears Him, Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 4:23-27, He created all mankind from the youngest to the oldest, even those yet to be, able to communicate with Him. Furthermore we already know, all those who will be chosen and all those who will be saved were so from before the foundation of the world, Eph'siyim (Ephesians) 1:3-14. Do you understand the meaning of these verses of Eph'siyim? Look again at Eph'siyim 1:4; look until you comprehend this verse is saying your salvation status was decided before the world was created meaning you did not choose Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yod Hey Vav Hey chose you: Yohanan (John) 15:16. Then ask yourself, knowing this, why would Yod Hey Vav Hey require us to attend any religious service established by evil mankind, Tehillim (Psalms) 58:3-5, to learn of Him? Yes, evil is characteristic of all mankind excepting only those Yod Hey Vav Hey has taken out of the world, Yohanan 15:19, and those He will take. This is not to say the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey are sinless but that He has forgiven all our sins: past, present and future. We see in Melakim Aleph 14:13 He communicates with and knew His chosen and His saved before their births even before the world was: Titos (Titus) 1:1-2.

There is another interesting aspect of this situation that stimulates much hope within me for many people of this world. Looking at Melakim Aleph 13:1-14:18 we see neither the king nor queen are chosen or saved. Given the salvation status of the parents you would think no child of theirs could be saved but, this case proves that's wrong. In Scripture we very often see two chosen parents producing chosen children for example Elqanah and Hannah, Elkanah and Hannah, produced Shemu`el, Samuel, in Melakim Aleph 1:1-28. Zekaryah and Elisheba, Zacharias and Elisabeth, produce Yohanan, John the Baptist, in Luqas (Luke) 1:1-80 and there are many other examples of this in Scripture. Early in my learning of Yod Hey Vav Hey I believed it could only be this way but, there are several examples in Scripture proving this is not so. We see in Shemu`el Aleph (1 Samuel) 18:1-5 as Yehonathan, Jonathan, the son of Sha`ul, Saul, the king of Yisra`el was saved but, neither of his parents were. Shemu`el we know was chosen his wife was not and they had two sons who were both corrupt and Eli the priest presented the same exact situation. In Iyob (Job) 1:1-2:13 we see this yet again with Iyob's children. Proof that parents do not determine a child's salvation which means, the Great and Glorious Yod Hey Vav Hey has even given the children of the damned an equal hope of salvation. However you must know this, children will not be spared the judgment simply because they are children, Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 9:5-7, Yod Hey Vav Hey deals with our souls and thankfully so. For if Yod Hey Vav Hey were to deal with our bodies there would be no hope for all our physical bodies come into this world belonging to Satan, Romiyim (Romans) 3:10-12, as Satan was given all there is of this world. Conversely our life force or souls are not of this world meaning the eternal existence of mankind is totally the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey and this represents the selection of His chosen: Romiyim (Romans) 9:15-16. His saved are taken from the world because they were pleasing in some way to Him. One pleasing to Yod Hey Vav Hey was Yehu son of Yehoshaphat, Melakim Bet (2 Kings) 9:1-10:36, but one whom Yod Hey Vav Hey turned away from was Sha`ul, Shemu`el Aleph (1 Samuel) 10:1-13:14, or Saul.

So, what have we learned? We've learned salvation is not dependent upon the parents but on the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey. Proof once again Yod Hey Vav Hey chooses and saves whomever He will. In light of this position many may say, then why didn't He make Sha'ul follow His command and save him? The answer is simple, in keeping with His way we see throughout Scripture He never forces one whom He has blessed with freewill to do anything. His chosen yes, but those to whom He has granted a freewill He will not. Therefore Sha'ul, just like Yehu, was allowed to exercise his freewill by humbling himself to the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey or going his own way. And this is the beauty and the majesty of the Great and Glorious Yod Hey Vav Hey our Elohim. If you read Scripture you'll see time after time Yod Hey Vav Hey doesn't make those He has not chosen or saved do anything. He has His chosen and saved whom, when necessary, He will make do His will: Yonah 1:1-4:11. Then there are those whom He has given to Satan and they will do the will of Satan: Yehezqel 8:1-18. Finally there are those of this world from among whom He takes His saved and these are those whom He has granted freewill. Unfortunately the vast majority of those granted freewill will exercise their freewill to disregard the desires of Yod Hey Vav Hey; that's just the lost nature of mankind: Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 42:1-44:30. When presented with the choice the vast majority of mankind will take what appears to be the easiest or the most enjoyable way: Satan's way. And because every way excepting only the one way that's right is Satan's way, the vast majority will never find the right way: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 7:13-14.

Q - It is the belief of many who attend the churches that Yod Hey Vav Hey waited for them and when they were ready they came to Him. Okay, let us see about that.

A - To begin with we must acknowledge today all men are born lost: Tehillim (Psalms) 53:2-3. You must accept this fact as true before we proceed, otherwise you will not comprehend truth. The truth is many feel no need for the Physician but, mankind will surely meet Satan if they do not acknowledge they need the Messiah: Marqos (Mark) 2:16-17. However, for those who acknowledge their condition is dubious at best, Tehillim (Psalms) 58:3-4, they will accept this truth and it is for them that we will proceed. In Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 1:1-19 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey making the appeal He makes to all mankind. Unfortunately as is characteristic of mankind we see in Yeshayahu 30:8-15 they not only won't hear but, they use the false teachers the false ministers of righteousness to preach what they want to hear. This is simply saying they don't want truth; they want to determine their own truth removing Yod Hey Vav Hey as far from them as they can. Therefore Yahushua tells us in Marqos (Mark) 4:9-12 He will speak to them in a language they don't understand; He will speak to them in parables, for only those among them blessed with ears to hear will comprehend the parables. This is how Yod Hey Vav Hey communicates with all mankind even today that those who are intended to comprehend will and those for whom it was not intended will not. Those not intended to comprehend are all those of whom Yod Hey Vav Hey is speaking in Kepha Bet (2 Peter) 2:1-22. Notice Kepha Bet 2:20 and realize these people have literally and figuratively thrown their candy in the sand. They have taken the one opportunity for salvation Yod Hey Vav Hey gives all mankind and as you see in Kepha Bet 2:22 they have thrown it into the wind and gone their own way. It was for this cause we can be sure Ib'rim (Hebrews) 6:4-6 was written. Still we must realize Yod Hey Vav Hey knows all things and certainly He already knows those who will humble themselves to Him for He selected them all before the world was, Eph'siyim (Ephesians) 1:3-14, all those who would be His remember Yohanan (John) 15:16 and know He has seen past, present and future for there is no time in heaven. He must choose us for we all begin in the kingdom of Satan and none are able to escape, Romiyim (Romans) 3:10-12, but He will take all those whom He will, Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 43:4-8, from the domain of Satan. Now, is mankind's role in salvation clear to you yet?

Do you see the fallacy in the belief of the churches that mankind can come to Yod Hey Vav Hey whenever they're ready? The truth is all mankind are called but only those chosen from before the foundation of the world are chosen: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 22:1-14? Do you realize yet salvation is solely the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey and no man can do any more than pray for His mercy? We know this because that is exactly what it says in Romiyim 9:15-16. Do you recognize a man will not because he cannot pray in a way which Yod Hey Vav Hey will acknowledge unless Yod Hey Vav Hey has called him to appear before Him? Yes, here we have even more truth shared with us in Yeshayahu 1:10-15. Surely if you see these things you know, the salvation of mankind is all the will and the work of Yod Hey Vav Hey. Mankind is only the recipient of His mercy and nothing more.

Q - Yod Hey Vav Hey gave Gadre'el the leadership role of the five demons we call Satan: Xaphan, Chayyliel, Gadre'el, Beleth and Penemue. He earned this by getting Eve and then Adam to sin against Yod Hey Vav Hey and themselves but, you must know, Satan is not the name of any individual. So, what does Satan mean?

A - Satan means adversary. So right away we see that it is not a pet name given to Gadre`el by Yod Hey Vav Hey. Allow me to share a little history to set things in order. Satan are five demons each one comparable to a great five star general. They're each followed by many legions of lesser demons all together equaling one third of all heaven. These five demons formed an unsuccessful alliance to seize dominion in heaven which was seemingly the burning desire of Gadre`el's heart: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 14:12-15. We are told of their rebellion in Hazon (Revelation) 12:1-11. When these once messengers lost the battle for heaven they were designated demons and thrown down to earth with mankind. We are unable to see or hear them because they're in another dimension we have not been equipped to see but, as an added measure of torment Yod Hey Vav Hey has allowed them to see and hear us. We can know this because in Hazon 12:12-14 we see Satan has begun their onslaught against all the earth and this is proof they have designated all the earth enemies. The woman in Hazon 12:13 are all the chosen and saved of Yod Hey Vav Hey and we see in Hazon 12:14 Yod Hey Vav Hey is safeguarding us all from the wrath of Satan. It's incredibly difficult to put all this in a neat time presentation because in heaven there is no such concept as time, why would there be, but we can be ninety percent certain this is what happened. Their leader Gadre'el was given the leadership role by Yod Hey Vav Hey because he was the one who succeeded in turning Eve and then Adam against Yod Hey Vav Hey, Bereshith (Genesis) 3:1-7, consequently he is the one we have come to recognize as Satan; however, all five rogue messengers were trying and they were all cast down to earth as Satan, Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 9:1-2, with their many legions of demons all of whom constituted one third of heaven: Hazon 12:3-4. The sixth man is the messenger Yod Hey Vav Hey sent to gather the five rebel demons He cast down to earth. Did you notice they came from the north: Yeshayahu 14:12-14? They came from this earth, this earth is the north. Earth is the kingdom Yod Hey Vav Hey gave to Satan. Yod Hey Vav Hey is not here, Yohanan (John) 14:30, this world is entirely Satan's domain; all the churches, mosques, synagogs and everything else of it is all of Satan including every book of their teachings; many of which directly contradict one another, proof it's all of Satan as they are the masters of confusion.

On earth we know Satan was given nearly complete dominion as it's evidenced through Noah and the other seven souls Yod Hey Vav Hey granted salvation saving them from the flood and Satan's flood of evil that permeated all the world. Only eight souls out of all the world did Yod Hey Vav Hey see fit to save. This speaks to the dominion of Satan over the world just before the flood. Today it seems a majority of the world sign allegiance to Satan. Satan's dominion today, in terms of the number of mankind, is much greater than before the flood as the world population is much greater and modern man has taken far more from Satan in terms of our modern conveniences than was even available before the flood. Realize also the modern conveniences are all added to our lives by Satan working through those they use as inventors.

In days of old those who followed Gadre`el adored him so we see they nicknamed him "Gad" in Yeshayahu 65:11-14. The nickname stuck even until today as Gad was Hebrew however, if you convert the Hebrew nickname Gad to English you'll find it's God. Yes, English speaking people everywhere have been unknowingly honoring and worshiping a devil or, as I would have said it in my ignorance, the devil who exercises his authority on earth through men.

If you've ever wondered why there is such turmoil everywhere you look in the world today well, here you have your reason. An important note obviously unknown to the writer of the aforementioned article; I pray he might be forgiven for his ignorance in this matter. YHVH and YHWH are as different as night and day. Please know YHWH is Satan's attempt to corrupt the name of our Master. The W in YHWH has changed the meaning of YHVH just like they often uses J instead of Y for we know when Yod Hey Vav Hey made Himself known to the Hebrews there was no W or J in their alphabet. This being so, how do we get a W or J today? Also know this, Yod Hey Vav Hey is exact He is precise meaning if He intended His name to be spelled with a W or J He would have had W and J in the Hebrew alphabet; after all, He is Elohim. This means the use of the W or J would produce a name that would be an affront to Him and I assure you this is the intent of modern man in their allegiance to Satan. YHWH just like Jehovah is a humiliation to Yod Hey Vav Hey and you must know if you refer to Him this way He will not hear you. Satan has done this again as they have manipulated the church people into calling themselves Christians. Please before you refer to yourself as a Christian even one more time know the followers of Yahushua did not refer to themselves as Christian but, as Messianist: Ma`asei (Acts) 11:25-26. If you take this name you are taking the name that was given to the people of YHVH, I suggest you wear it and no other variation of it. Any other name is a negative adjective attributed to the people of Yahushua by a world that opposes them. When referring to Him, don't adulterate any name of His. If you call to Him by a name He has not sanctioned you're then praying to or speaking with Satan. And know this, when you come before YHVH in a way YHVH has not sanctioned you're fortunate if He only turns you over to Satan; at least He is allowing you to continue living: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 10:1-3.

Q - Since the death of the Messiah and the last apostle Yohanan many people say they have had a dream or vision from Yod Hey Vav Hey but, is this possible?

A - There are many today who claim they've had a dream or vision or as some would call it a "mystical experience" but, if they did either their experience came from Satan or they're calling Yod Hey Vav Hey a liar and here's why. In Dani'el (Daniel) 9:24-26 we read "...to seal up vision and prophet". This is telling us after the death of the Messiah "all dreams, dreamers and anyone calling themselves a prophet who brings a dream are of Satan". After the death of the Messiah, the sixty-two weeks of Dani'el 9:26, and the death of the last apostle Yod Hey Vav Hey no longer brought dreams; instead He went silent and He will remain silent until Judgment Day, for the world has been given to Satan: Yohanan (John) 14:30. However He tells us very near the end, He will once again bring dreams: Ma`asei (Acts) 2:17-21. But any dream anyone brings before the time Yod Hey Vav Hey will bring dreams to many, is not a dream from Yod Hey Vav Hey. And yes, Satan can and they do bring dreams and visions: Shemu`el (1 Samuel) 28:4-25.

Q - It is truly sad to find many people don't understand the word of Yod Hey Vav Hey. A few read it with some regularity but, even still, the vast majority don't really understand it. A major topic incomprehensible to most is salvation so, what is salvation?

A - Forget your religious affiliation, we'll answer this with the word of Yod Hey Vav Hey. We'll first look at Romiyim (Romans) 3:10-12. These verses are telling us all mankind are lost from birth. We cannot comprehend doing what is right because we are all children of Satan so, how do we find Yod Hey Vav Hey? We don't! Yod Hey Vav Hey must call us and He will in His time call us all but, unless He will also grant us ears to hear, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 11:15, we won't hear Him; instead mankind will continue in their lost ways heeding only to what they desire until their end: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 30:8-15. This is the plight of all mankind. It's the consequence of the disobedience of Adam and Eve who were the progenitors of all mankind. This surely means all mankind are lost from birth, Tehillim (Psalms) 58:3-5, and our only hope is not a bogus religion but only the mercy of Yod Hey Vav Hey. Yod Hey Vav Hey is omniscient so He already knows who He will take from the dominion of Satan, Yeshayahu 43:1-7, to make His own. This means the One who determines our salvation has already done so "...according to the foreknowledge of Elohim the Father...": Kepha Aleph (1 Peter) 1:1-4. Now, can you possibly still misunderstand salvation?

Q - It is imperative those who are not chosen but are saved know the process by which they will be redeemed. It is imperative they know they will not go to heaven in the rapture but they will ultimately go to heaven in the end. So here we will review a few verses explaining the complete salvation process.

A - Let us look first at Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 26:19-21 with special emphasis on Yeshayahu 26:20 and know these are those saved by Yod Hey Vav Hey. Although they will not go up in the rapture as the chosen in Yeshayahu 26:19, they will be safeguarded from the wrath of Yod Hey Vav Hey which is the judgment to come on the lost in Yeshayahu 26:21. Notice just as Yod Hey Vav Hey gave us the beginning of all things in Bereshith (Genesis) 1:1-23, these verses give us the end for all mankind while also showing the mercy of Yod Hey Vav Hey. We see His mercy as He takes all who are His in the end: Hazon (Revelation) 11:13. Let us look next at Hazon 11:13 and realize the rapture occurred in Hazon 11:11-12 and both judgment of the lost and salvation of the saved occur in Hazon 11:13. It's imperative you see this and understand completely what is going on. You don't see? Then read Hazon 11:1-13 again and again, even the whole chapter while praying for understanding that you might comprehend truth. Let's look next at Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 9:1-11 and realize this chapter is laying out the plan of Yod Hey Vav Hey for both judgment and salvation. In Yehezq`el 9:1-2 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey has sent one of His messengers to gather Satan: all five of them - Xaphan, Chayyliel, Gadre`el, Beleth and Penemue. When we think of Satan most mankind are thinking only of Gadre`el however, he was only the successful one of five who were attempting to turn Adam and Eve against Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim but, there are five who were trying. Consequently Yod Hey Vav Hey exiled all five from heaven. So, where were these fugitives and their armies sent? To earth of course, with us: Hazon 12:7-9; as the little girl says in the movie Poltergeist, "they're he...re". They're here on earth with us, they simply exist in another dimension. There are five demons so maybe they exist in the fifth dimension, who can say? Regardless, we are built to live in our three dimensional world and that precludes us from seeing any part of their existence and thankfully so. These are exiles from heaven so whatever dimension they're in the Master intended it to be torment for them meaning, I'm sure it's not a place you'd ever want to visit. In Yehezq`el 9:3-4 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey sends His messenger through the city to mark all those whom He will safeguard from the wrath of Judgment Day, for the rapture has already occurred. All those of Yod Hey Vav Hey risen in the rapture, both chosen and saved, as well as all the chosen who remained alive have been taken to heaven. In Yehezq`el 9:5-7 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey commands Satan to destroy mercilessly all but those with the mark of salvation. Those with the mark of salvation are all the saved who remain alive. They will remain on earth during the judgment but, they will not be harmed and He will gather them bringing them all to heaven when the judgment is complete. It's important everyone notice in Yehezq`el 9:6 Yod Hey Vav Hey says "...and begin at My set-apart place" which everyone should know was the house of worship. Since the death of the Messiah it has become the place for worship of Satan and their demons. After the death of the sinless Messiah Yod Hey Vav Hey tore the veil of separation, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 27:50-53, which literally said He was no longer with mankind. At this point Yod Hey Vav Hey left mankind once again, this time until Judgment Day. In Yehezq`el 9:8-11 we see this is definitely the final judgment and Yehezq`el, one representing all the chosen taken in the raptured, is already with Yod Hey Vav Hey. Notice also the messenger returns in Yehezq`el 9:11 to say he has marked everyone slated for salvation. These marked for salvation are those spoken of in Hazon 11:13. Another very important fact missed when most read Scripture is the rapture will raise not only the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey, but everyone who ever lived on earth. All those among them who are not taken in the rapture or safeguarded by the mark of Yod Hey Vav Hey will be raised, Hazon 20:11-12, to endure the torment of Judgment Day.

Q - Did Yod Hey Vav Hey command us to attend any religious service?

A - In the Old Testament Yod Hey Vav Hey did command mankind to make His Dwelling Place on the earth: Shemoth (Exodus) 25:1-27:21. From here He would teach the people through Mosheh and his brother Aharon of Himself. This was the first place of worship Yod Hey Vav Hey commanded mankind to build for Him to dwell among them. It, the Tent of Appointment, was erected and taken down with every move the children of Yisra`el made. Yod Hey Vav Hey had His second Dwelling Place on earth built by Shelomoh in 957 BCE: Melakim Aleph (1 Kings) 9:1-10. As Shelomoh and a majority of the kings that followed him fell further and ever further away from Him we see Yod Hey Vav Hey commanded His Dwelling Place to be destroyed by Babel in 587-586 BCE: Melakim Bet (2 Kings) 25:8-9. The Temple rebuild began in 539-538 BCE and was completed in 516 BCE and destroyed the final time in 70 CE by the "...people of the coming prince...", Dani'el 9:26: the Roman Empire. Does the Roman Empire sill have dominion even today? If so, can you guess the identity of the coming prince? He is the one you all honor in your churches, masques or synagogs of today. If you haven't already been led to the well and gotten the water, I'll bring it from the well to you. No, Yod Hey Vav Hey no longer dwells among men which is why He allowed His only Dwelling Place on earth to be destroyed; He is not with us: Yohanan 14:30. Just as at the time between the old and new Testaments He has once again gone silent, this time until the end. However, there are those with us who actually want you to go to your religious service: Hazon 12:12; for all organized religions are honoring them: Satan. Yahushua taught in the churches because that is where the people were organized and He was able to reach many of them with His Word. However, He did not worship there. He worshiped His Father alone: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 14:23. Yahushua did not have a home but He taught His apostles to worship the Father in their homes: Romiyim (Romans) 16:3-6. This is the command of Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim to all the world throughout all time, worship alone or in small groups of believers you know not in the megachurches so popular today. This is even evidenced in the Tent of Appointment as massive numbers of people will always harbor those who don't truly believe: Bemidbar (Numbers) 16:23-36.

Q - We have already discussed the anger of Yod Hey Vav Hey toward the false religions of the world but, the topic infuriates Him so greatly we'll continue to explore it. We will look deeper into the reasons for His furious indignation regarding religion.

A - We'll look closely at Mikah (Micah) 3:5-12 to begin our investigation of His sentiments toward false religion. Beginning with Mikah 3:5 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey pointing out the vicious nature of the prophets as He tells us they are "...biting with their teeth and have called out "Peace!". They even set apart a battle against him who does not give for their mouths"; wow this is Yod Hey Vav Hey speaking, therefore we know every word is true. And just as this applied to the religious leaders of old so it applies today. In Mikah 3:6-7 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey no longer deals with the false prophets for He is dreadfully angered by their ways but, does this bring about any change in their ways? In Mikah 3:8-10 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey speaking through Mikah as He tells the lost rulers of Ya`aqob and Yisra`el of their wrong. Then in Mikah 3:11 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey begins again to speak of the corruption amongst Ya`aqob and Yisra`el He says "Her heads judge for a bribe, her priests teach for pay, and her prophets divine for a price. Yet they lean on Yod Hey Vav Hey...". Today this is just the way it is as most politicians make decisions based solely on large supporter donations. Indeed every priest teaches for pay and every prophet divines for profit; today this is all too common, it's just the way of the world. In Mikah 3:12 Yod Hey Vav Hey tells us this is the primary reason for the destruction of the world and He began to prepare for this with His exiting the world. With His exit He also allowed Satan to remove key truth from His word. The first crucial truth was His name, Yod Hey Vav Hey, and replacing it with Gadre`el's Hebrew nickname Gad which in English is God: remember Yeshayahu 65:11-14. Jesus and Lord and even Amen are also the names of demons; yes, even Amen. So we see keeping the majority of the world in darkness and destine for damnation is Satan's primary goal; for Satan everything else is only a means to that end. Satan is striving to assure damnation for as many of mankind as possible and the only way to avoid damnation is to call on Him; but how does mankind call on Him, if they don't even know His name? Because Yod Hey Vav Hey assures salvation to all who call upon His name this is how He assures He will get only those He wants as no one else will know or believe to call upon Him in truth. And soon the few relatively true Books of Scripture that have that much truth in them will be no more and all the people in darkness at that time will be damned to suffer the horrors of Judgment Day for the time is rapidly approaching when they will search far and wide but they will not find truth: Amos 8:11-12.

Q - I have stated all mankind are lost from birth and unless Yod Hey Vav Hey takes us out of She`ol we will all meet Satan in our end. This is critically important as it determines whether you will live life eternal or experience death in life and flesh consequent to Judgment Day. So here we'll look more deeply into this.

A - As with Tehillim (Psalms) 53:1-3 and Tehillim 58:3-5 there are many verses in Scripture telling us all mankind are born lost. Not one of us is bound for the kingdom of heaven, no, not one: Romiyim (Romans) 3:10-12. However, what we see in Mikah (Micah) 7:1-6 may be one of the most explicit expressions of the state of mankind we'll see in Scripture. Let us slowly walk through these verses that all mankind may understand their condition and know that unless Yod Hey Vav Hey will intervene on our behalf we are all doomed to end up in She`ol.

Take a look at Mikah 7:1 and right away you'll realize the world is in a desperate state as Yod Hey Vav Hey says through His prophet "Woe to me!...There is no cluster to eat". This is telling us there is no nourishment and I don't believe this is referring to food for the body but nourishment for the spirit; it is the Word of Yod Hey Vav Hey that is gone from this world. In Mikah 7:2 we see the source of the problem is the savior has been taken from this world and for those with eyes that see we see "There is no cluster to eat". The source of all wisdom, understanding and knowledge has been taken away damning us all to death in life and flesh leaving us all only one hope: Yod Hey Vav Hey the one Elohim. In Mikah 7:3 Yod Hey Vav Hey continues to make evident the sad state mankind are in and the worst part is they can't even see it to want out. In Mikah 7:4 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey has grown weary of tolerating the ways of mankind and He has determined the end for all things is soon to be. In Mikah 7:5-6 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey warning us all to watch our backs even concerning our mates for none of mankind will be trustworthy. Not even the one time trustworthy familial relationships can be trusted as "the enemies of a man are the men of his own house": Luqas (Luke) 12:49-53.

Every verse of Mikah 7:1-6 is telling us of the nature of mankind before salvation and clearly, we are not fit for heaven. This is undeniably saying if Yod Hey Vav Hey does not redeem us at some point in our lives we will surely meet Satan in our end. This is sad but true and the worst part of it all is mankind refuse to acknowledge this. A majority continue to look to their church for salvation and every religious meeting place since the death of the Messiah has been and is of Satan: remember Yohanan (John) 14:30. We don't even have the true word and unfortunately the vast majority of mankind will never realize this. Yod Hey Vav Hey must open our eyes that we will see and I believe He is only opening the eyes of a select group: Zekaryah (Zechariah) 13:7-9. I believe these are to compensate for that one third of the messengers taken by Satan when they were cast down to earth: Hazon (Revelation) 12:3-4.

Q - Since the death of the Messiah Yod Hey Vav Hey continues to teach His chosen. When we consider how Yahushua taught His chosen we must wonder how He will teach His chosen today and we see the process is pretty much the same as Sha`ul's experience. Here we'll look at how He accomplishes this.

A - In Galatiyim (Galatians) 1:11-20 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey does not command His chosen nor His saved to attend any theological seminary school. In Galatiyim 1:12 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey teaches His all they need to know of Him so I must ask, who could teach one more thoroughly of Yod Hey Vav Hey than Yod Hey Vav Hey? Furthermore, from the very day Yahushua began to teach in the churches we notice He did not worship there. He went to these meeting places to teach the people and His apostles but we see in Luqas (Luke) 6:12 when He worshiped the Father He did so alone. We see He also instructed His chosen and saved to worship among themselves in their homes: Pileymon (Philemon) 1:1-2. This was the way of our Teacher. He was not an advocate of the massive and ornate cathedrals or even the most modest little church, instead He worshiped in the mountains and in gardens because He didn't have a home. But His followers He taught to worship in their homes: Romiyim (Romans) 16:3-5. In the case of Sha'ul and all the chosen of today we see Yod Hey Vav Hey is teaching us without language but He intuitively speaks to us guiding us via the Set-apart Spirit that we will comprehend all He will share with us. Then with that knowledge we will do all He commands of us which is primarily to take His truth to the world. This we'll accomplish however He will equip us. He has equipped me as a computer professional therefore I will take His truth as far as computers combined with English will allow me to reach. Another may be an excellent orator so, he will take the word of Yod Hey Vav Hey via media to as many as his language will allow him to reach. Although many may be chosen, I don't believe Yod Hey Vav Hey intended women to take His Word to the world: Timotiyos Aleph (1 Timothy) 2:11-14. Instead He has many other tasks for women to perform: Shophetim (Judges) 4:1-24.

If you have been blessed with eyes that see and ears that hear, Marqos (Mark) 4:9, you will comprehend the truth in what I've presented. Yod Hey Vav Hey has left this world and all there is of it including it's man-made religions. Everything of this world is of Satan, remember Mattithyahu 4:8-10, Satan owns it all. With the death of the Messiah Satan was given almost complete dominion of all the world, Yohanan 14:30, and their influence will grow ever greater until that final hour: remember Hazon (Revelation) 11:12-13.

Q - We know now all mankind are lost from conception consequent to the indiscretion of Adam and Eve so, unless Yod Hey Vav Hey will intervene all mankind will meet Satan in their end: Romiyim (Romans) 9:15-17. We know also Yod Hey Vav Hey will intervene in everyone's life at His predetermined time to bring them truth. Usually in a more subdued fashion but, who knows, it may be as dramatic as His reaching out to Sha'ul who we call Paul; we'll discuss this further in the answer to this question. Regardless all mankind are given the opportunity to humble themselves and heed His truth but if He has not blessed them with understanding, opened their eyes, they are doomed to go their own way. This is also the explanation for the many convoluted interpretations of Scripture. Invariably your own way will be the wrong way for we're all born into the kingdom of Satan: remember Mattithyahu (Matthew) 4:8-10. So no one left to their own devices will humble themselves to the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey. And if an individual will not humble themselves they have effectively turned from Yod Hey Vav Hey and at this point He will turn from them forever: Kepha Bet (2 Peter) 2:17-20. Yod Hey Vav Hey will only give you one opportunity to humble yourself to Him but, He will look the other way while you do wrong many times before He will try you: Hazon (Revelation) 2:19-23. Once He has put His test before you, you will know you're being tried. It's been my experience people have known when they were being tried but, they simply decided as they did regardless. Let's look at this in Scripture.

A - In Shemu`el Aleph (1 Samuel) 10:1-13:14 we see the account of Sha`ul becoming leader of Yisrael. Once Yod Hey Vav Hey sends Shemu`el to anoint Sha`ul leader of Yisrael He gives Sha`ul two years to learn of Him and His Ways, Shemu`el Aleph 13:1, then He tried him. We see in Shemu`el Aleph 13:2-14 Sha`ul fails the test miserably and this may be the reason Yod Hey Vav Hey takes certain people as His chosen and His saved while leaving the rest for Satan. We see Sha`ul was given the opportunity to learn of Yod Hey Vav Hey but in two years he grasped nothing. This could also be the reason he was given only two years: he wasn't grasping anything. Now Sha`ul in Ma`asei (Acts) 9:1-31 was also given the opportunity to learn of Yod Hey Vav Hey and we see in Galatiyim (Galatians) 1:11-20 he was given three years and he eagerly consumed all the wisdom presented. Because Sha`ul eagerly consumed the wisdom, Ma`asei 10:9-20, Yod Hey Vav Hey blessed him to understand it: Ma`asei 10:24-28. Once he understood, it became knowledge permitting Sha`ul to continually grow spiritually. Do you see the difference in one chosen as opposed to one Yod Hey Vav Hey tries to make learn His truth? Since the body of every man is lost Yod Hey Vav Hey must deal with the spirit or the life rather than the body or the flesh. It seems the spirit or life force may be the pivotal factor in salvation. This is only my guess but, Yod Hey Vav Hey can always deal with the souls of His chosen and His saved: Melakim Aleph (1 Kings) 14:12-13; He cannot deal with the souls of the lost: remember Shemu`el Aleph 10:1-13:14. This is exactly like the human father that cannot get a particular son to do as he is told while Dad is only required to tell his brother once what must be done.

In Hoshea (Hosea) 9:10-12 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey has declined to take either Yisra`el or Ephrayim out of the domain of Satan; for just as they turned from Him He has turned from them: forever. This does not mean He has turned from them forever as a people but, it does mean these people at that time were She'ol bound. In light of this it's important to realize Yod Hey Vav Hey deals with all mankind individually: Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 18:1-20. Let us investigate what bought Yod Hey Vav Hey to the decision to eternally damn Yisra`el and Ephrayim. In Hoshea 9:1 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey pointing out Yisra`el's blasphemous worship of Satan. It's the "harolt-fee" Yisra`el pays to Satan at every place of worship: at every church, every synagog, every mosque or on every hill under every green tree. In Hoshea 9:2-3 we see the damnation of Yod Hey Vav Hey unto Ephrayim for turning her back to Him. In Hoshea 9:4-6 Yod Hey Vav Hey is telling us of the hopeless state in which these people find themselves but, consequent to their ignorance, they are not phased by it. This ignorance is both a blessing and a curse from Yod Hey Vav Hey as they are able to ignore the error of their way: the blessing; however soon they will be faced with the error of their ways and there will be no escaping it: the curse. In Hoshea 9:7-9 Yod Hey Vav Hey is punishing Yisra`el and Ephrayim for disregarding Him and going their own way. He has turned His back to them forever to do them good; they are now to be subject only to His torment. Then in Hoshea 9:10 we see the payment for sin is extracted from those whom it is due. In Hoshea 9:11-12 we see the fulfillment of their debt to Yod Hey Vav Hey in this life with their complete payment due on Judgment Day still to come. We'll take a brief look at one more.

In Yehezqel 15:1-8 we are shown the plan of Yod Hey Vav Hey for all the world. A world that wants it's own way as opposed to the way of Yod Hey Vav Hey: Romiyim 1:18-32. Therefore Yod Hey Vav Hey is giving them up to death in this life and eternal destruction on Judgement Day: Tsephanyah (Zephaniah) 1:1-18.

Q - As we read Scripture it becomes apparent lost mankind do not reverence Yod Hey Vav Hey. In verse after verse from one chapter to the next from one book on to another we see mankind will not humble themselves before Yod Hey Vav Hey. Like today men constantly give credit for the work of Yod Hey Vav Hey to a fictitious mother nature and even the chaotic notion of a big bang theory; how does one get perfect order from complete confusion without external intervention? Consequently we also see the anger of Yod Hey Vav Hey is growing as mankind grow evermore disregarding toward Him so, how will it ultimately end for mankind?

A - Once you understand the Scripture speaks of past times to tell us of what awaits us in the future it should be obvious the ultimate end of mankind is coming. It's plain to see in Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 26:19-21, Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 9:1-11, Mal'aki (Malachi) 4:1-6 and Hazon (Revelation) 11:1-13. These are just a very few of the books, chapters and verses of Scripture telling us the great judgment of Yod Hey Vav Hey will soon befall all the world. His anger is like nothing any man could imagine or should want to know. Yet all mankind will know it for Judgment Day is inevitable as mankind belong to Satan. For they all love their lives of sin and retribution is due. Therefore the dreaded Judgment Day and what it holds for each of us will not be missed by any of us.

As we acquire an understanding of what is to be we see mankind is doomed. However we also see not all mankind is slated to suffer the same fate for just as Judgment Day means destruction for most, it will mean eternal blessing for the rest: Zekaryah 13:7-9. Yod Hey Vav Hey has also blessed those of us whom He has granted a mind to comprehend, that we would understand His Will and know His Way. All this that His chosen may be assured leading to the rapture and His saved may be assured through the judgment that we will be with Him in the end.

Q - No man can know what may lie in wait for him but, can a man pray to Yod Hey Vav Hey and alter or even negate situations in his life?

A - It would initially seem the answer is yes as we see Hizqiyahu pray in Melakim Bet (2 Kings) 20:1-19 but remember, Hizqiyahu was saved. We'll keep this in mind then look at the case of Esaw in Bereshith (Genesis) 27:30-40. We see here Yitshaq, Esaw's father, has been manipulated by his wife Ribqah and his second son Ya'aqob to give the birthright to Ya'aqob. In this Ya'aqob receives all the blessings their father intended for his first born Esaw; but we must ask, to whom did Yod Hey Vav Hey intend to give these blessings: Bereshith 25:24-34? Esaw was born first and being first born the birthright was rightfully his but, Esaw sold his birthright for a meal: remember Bereshith 25:27-34. Therefore we see Yod Hey Vav Hey only assured Edon kept his oath. Then in Bereshith 32:1-32 we see Ya'aqob praying to Yod Hey Vav Hey as he prepares to meet Esaw once again after a separation of many years. There are many such instances as these in Scripture all serving to prove we can pray for what we seek and Yod Hey Vav Hey will grant it provided it is within His Will for our lives: Luqas (Luke) 11:10. Luqas 11:10 did not apply to Esaw because he was not of Yod Hey Vav Hey, instead Ya`aqob (James) 4:1-4 is applicable to Esaw who was one of the world. This is the reason I've used the case of Esaw for Yod Hey Vav Hey knew from before the foundation of the world He did not approve of Esaw: Romiyim (Romans) 9:11-13; so it was not His Will to bless Esaw with the birthright even though Esaw was to be born first. All these verses are showing us clearly Yod Hey Vav Hey determines all things, Romiyim 9:15-16, and we must all pray continually that we may be pleasing in His sight. So I ask once again, can a man pray to Yod Hey Vav Hey and alter or even negate situations in his life? The answer for lost mankind is a resounding no. Lost mankind are lost in their ways, they care only about the here and now and what they can get for themselves right now. Therefore they would never pray in sincerity to Yod Hey Vav Hey because they can't. They can't because in truth they don't know Yod Hey Vav Hey and none among them care to learn of Him because they are alive in body or flesh but dead in spirit or life: Romiyim 3:10-12. This means they will never hear Yod Hey Vav Hey: remember Sha`ul in Shemu`el Aleph (1 Samuel) 10:1-13:14. Even still Yod Hey Vav Hey gives all mankind many tests before He will judge them and write them off. In the case of Esaw Yod Hey Vav Hey gave him his last test and he failed miserably when he traded his birthright for a meal. For the chosen and the saved of Yod Hey Vav Hey we will also ask, can a man pray to Yod Hey Vav Hey and alter or even negate situations in his life? In all this we must remember always Yod Hey Vav Hey knows all things meaning He already knew what would be in or hearts making the answer to this question obvious. Yes, for we can pray to Yod Hey Vav Hey as He knows each of us: Yohanan (John) 10:27-30. Here again we see the dichotomy intrinsic to this world as the lives of the lost take them in one direction, while the lives of the chosen and the saved take us in another.

Q - I've recently found another thought provoking site online and this one really stimulated much thought so, without further ado, let's take a look at the article.

A - The article is one on COVID-19 and yes I understand you may be COVID burned out but the article is short so have a look then we'll discuss it. I'm not at all intending to detract from the serious nature of this article but, did anyone else notice the likeness of a bat and two balls in the rendering of the virus? Oh what the heck. This is a serious topic and they've chosen to model a penis and scrotum to represent something the virus is attacking. Why? Well we know Yod Hey Vav Hey has commanded the demons tell us everything they intend before they do it just as He tells His: Amos 3:7. So could this diseased rendition of a man's reproductive organ be a Secret Society message to mankind? It's subtle, but it would fulfill the command of Yod Hey Vav Hey to forewarn mankind. If mankind doesn't catch it that's not Satan's fault as with this clear presentation they've certainly told all who have been blessed with eyes that truly see; I think Yod Hey Vav Hey would consider this sufficient. Now it's only one so there are most likely others to assure the message reaches far and wide but, this I do believe is a message. What could it be telling us? It may be telling us disease will soon take the reproductive ability away from mankind. Could it be we're seeing this already? Could this mean Yod Hey Vav Hey has already brought all His chosen and saved to be and He is allowing Satan to dramatically slowdown the reproduction of mankind? I believe this problem for mankind is according to a plan. One can't know solely from this pictorial presentation whether the intent is to allow men to continue to perform but simply not reproduce or whether intercourse will be completely eliminated. At this point only the orchestrators can know but, I believe this may be the point of this depiction of a man's diseased reproductive organs. If I'm right we'll all know very soon.

Q - In this world there are two kinds of people. Those who love Yahushua and those who don't. Those who love Yahushua are those chosen from before the world was, Ephsiyim (Ephesians) 1:4, while those who don't are all those Satan will be allowed to keep through the judgment. All those such as spoken of in Melakim Aleph (1 Kings) 19:18 Satan will not keep. So, where do you fall? Are you one who has been chosen or saved by Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim or do you fall into that group Satan will be allowed to keep on Judgment Day?

A - Yahushua tells us in Yohanan (John) 8:42 "If Elohim were your Father, you would love Me...". He tells us in Yohanan 10:30 "I and My Father are one". In Yohanan 14:15 we see Yahushua says "If you love Me, you shall guard My commands". In Yohanan 14:23 Yahushua says "If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word". In reading these verses we are learning the criterion for salvation is not excellent church attendance. It is not paying your congregation leader well. It isn't even about being a good neighbor it's about loving Yahushua and not in word, but in deeds: "If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word". We see this clearly in the lives and deaths of the apostles as all but Yohanan died horribly for the Word of the Messiah and even Yohanan was relegated to life at Patmos, a detention island at that time, after being lowered into a vat of boiling oil that could not harm him. It was at Patmos that he wrote the Good News of Revelations. And so I must ask, do we have that level of commitment today? Those chosen and those saved by Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim do. Not because they are born tougher, more committed or because they attend church regularly but it's because the chosen have been chosen and the saved will be saved; they are the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey: Romiyim (Romans) 11:2-11. Did you recognize the key phrase? In Romiyim 11:5 it says "...a remnant according to the choice of favor..." and this once again is telling us it's only the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey that determines our salvation. So you may join any of the false faiths you will. You can even have relations with the pope if you would but, it's still only the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey that matters. Even still, because we don't know His will we must strive to be as He would have us be until the end that we might know His mercy.

Q - The world warrants the punishment of Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim but, how will this punishment be delivered? Will Yod Hey Vav Hey handle it Himself, will He use messengers or might He use demons to extract the punishment due unto each one of mankind? There are also those who will escape the judgment of the All Mighty, who might they be?

A - We know Yod Hey Vav Hey is always in control meaning He will delegate everything that is to be done and it will be done exactly as He commands: Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 9:1-11. Upon a review of Yehezqel 9:1-11 we can see clearly Yod Hey Vav Hey is assigning the task of lost mankind's destruction to Satan, all five of them: Yehezqel 9:1-7. Then we see in Hazon (Revelation) 7:1-3 Yod Hey Vav Hey commands His messengers regarding how they will proceed with the destruction they have been tasked with. So you see He is using both His messengers and the demons to conduct His judgment of this world. You must realize both the aforementioned chapters are speaking of Judgment Day and when you do you should also realize the rapture has already occurred. This means the chosen of Yod Hey Vav Hey are with Him in heaven so then, who are these He speaks of in Yehezqel 9:4, 6 and in Hazon 7:3? These people are His saved. For all those who follow the teachings of the religious leaders I say look; it's time you learn truth, if you'll accept it. There are two groups of people Yod Hey Vav Hey is bringing to His glorious heavens: His chosen and His saved. His chosen go during the rapture after the chosen and saved who have already died, then all those who will be saved and remain alive will be marked and safeguarded through the judgment. Speak praises of Yod Hey Vav Hey for He is truly the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Three Who are One.

Q - What do the Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, Epicureans, Stoicks, and Hellenist all have in common with the Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, Jews, Zionist and every other faith of this world except one: the Messianist?

A - All these faiths profess to be the teachings of the Messiah Yahushua but given how these faiths differ, is that even possible? Well, no! For all these faith to be truth Yahushua would need to have spoken out of both sides as well as the top and bottom of His mouth; is that possible? Well, no! Yahushua came as the Messiah so who but the greatest liars ever, Satan, would accuse the Messiah of lying. Well then, what is the truth? The truth is the God's of this world, the five demons He denotes as Satan, have given mankind many religious options from which they may take their pick. They may even choose no faith at all, as no faith is only another one of Satan's offerings. So then, where is truth? Truth is in the one belief of Yahushua and His followers who were the Messianists: Ma`asei (Acts) 11:21-26. Christianity is not the faith of our Messiah Yahushua. As a matter of fact the term Christian was a degrading expression leveled at the Messianists by the people of the world: all the other faiths included. This is all true. It's also true that every faith but the Messianic faith was and is a lie of Satan's to pacify a world that sleeps so it will remain asleep as it approaches it's end. This is verifiable not only by the sources I provide but also via a multitude of other sources on the internet. When Gadre`el, also called Gad for short which is Hebrew and converted to English it's God, convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and Adam followed Yod Hey Vav Hey gave Satan all the world and all there is of it including mankind: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 4:8-11. So Gadre`el and his cohorts are the masters of this world hence, all mankind are born into sin. We're all born into the kingdom of Satan and Yod Hey Vav Hey must take us out or we'll die in it and be part of Satan's army in the end to be recipients of Satan's fate: a horrible eternal death. So, how does Yod Hey Vav Hey determine who He will rescue from the fate of this death?

We are told in Romiyim (Romans) 3:10-12 all mankind are lost and beyond hope without Him consequent to the work of all mankind's forefather Adam. We see the effects of this lost state of mankind in every book of Scripture. Then in Romiyim 9:15-16 we are told salvation is only according to His will and this we know is true because He is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent and He says it is true; who can doubt Him? There are many verses in Scripture telling us of His supreme power and absolute control. Verses like Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 1:9, Amos 3:6 and Romiyim 11:3-5 they're all saying Yod Hey Vav Hey determines all things. The Scriptures are replete with examples of His dominion over all things, we need only look. And when we look if He has opened our eyes we can't help but see there is only one Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim. So there can only be one way to honor the Glorious Three Who are One and the Messianists have been blessed with the wisdom, understanding and knowledge to see and know that way.

Q - All the world must read and understand Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 24:2-6. It's also imperative that all the world recognize the Scripture says "...few men shall be left". These verses are eternally significant therefore we cannot discuss them enough so, let us have another look at end time prophecy.

A - In Yeshayahu 24:2 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey judges all mankind by the same standard and all but those who are His will stand for this judgment. Those of us whom He has forgiven He sees through the salvation provided by His Son freeing us of the burden of our sins. Our sins are the same sins as the rest of mankind but, we have the eternal blessing of Yod Hey Vav Hey provided by the great sacrifice of His Son and our Savior that we will be with Him eternally. We have done nothing to earn this great blessing, Romiyim (Romans) 3:10-18, for we are all born into sin from which there is no escaping Satan; they have us all from birth for all the world and all there is of it is theirs: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 4:8-11. Our only hope is salvation and only Yod Hey Vav Hey can grant us salvation through the rebirth: Yohanan Alepa (1 John) 3:9. This is not a rebirth in flesh but in life; your spirit is reborn, your new body will be given to you on Judgment Day. Therefore we will not be judged for our sins for if a man is judged he is automatically found guilty for even a man's thoughts damn him; judgment means certain damnation for all mankind: remember Romiyim 3:10-18. All praises to the Savior from and for those of Yod Hey Vav Hey for we will not be judged; we are under the grace of Yod Hey Vav Hey so we will know His mercy, not His judgment.

In Yeshayahu 24:3 it says "the earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered, for Yod Hey Vav Hey has spoken His word". This verse is telling us what the Master has said has now come to pass: "the earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered...". This is the future for this world and all I've been able to learn of the plan of Yod Hey Vav Hey leads me to believe this will be the state of the world by about February 23rd of 2025. I will investigate this throughout this presentation and I hope you will seriously look at this probability as well for if it is true I'm certain it will, depending on your plans, change your trajectory at least somewhat.

In Yeshayahu 24:4 Yod Hey Vav Hey is telling us all the world will languish and wither and if you look you'll see this is already happening in large chunks of the world and the threat of it spreading is becoming evermore evident. Notice the choice of diction Yod Hey Vav Hey makes as He discusses this. He speaks of all the world languishing and withering; can you comprehend anything more effective at causing mankind to languish and wither than starvation? People prepare yourselves however you will for I believe we're truly facing the end of all things.

In Yeshayahu 24:5 we see the grievance of Yod Hey Vav Hey with mankind. He tells us mankind "...have transgressed the Torot, changed the law, broken the everlasting covenant". This is to say mankind have decided to go their own way as they "...have transgressed the Torot" which is the guide to life Yod Hey Vav Hey has provided mankind. We see this in every aspect of life from attendance in the bogus religious practices of mankind and they are only the practices of mankind for Yod Hey Vav Hey left every religious place identified with Him at the death of His Son: remember the tearing of the veil - Mattithyahu (Matthew) 27:50-53. Mankind's revolt continues with the observance of divorce which Yod Hey Vav Hey has told mankind no longer exists, Luqas (Luke) 16:18, on to mankind's approach to sexual relations; the majority of mankind's practices are in direct opposition to the Torot but, in perfect sync with the desires of Satan. Given all this would you say mankind "...have transgressed the Torot, changed the law, broken the everlasting covenant"?

In Yeshayahu 24:6 we see the judgment of Yod Hey Vav Hey will be carried out on Judgment Day; it cannot be averted. Yod Hey Vav Hey has given mankind opportunity after opportunity to humble themselves to His way but throughout history mankind would not: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 30:8-11. Consequently Yod Hey Vav Hey has grown overly weary, Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 15:6, as mankind have shrugged off countless opportunities to amend their ways and now, He can only see judgment. Oh how unfortunate this is, for February 2025 appears to be the end. Those of us in the western world have even less time than that as it appears things are heating up between Russia and America now and I believe this is the next big step in the end game.

Q - I've said it before and I'll say once more; the end of times have been forecasted before but today, if you look, you can see clearly every piece of the puzzle coming together as never before.

A - Man's greed is at the root of nearly all the problems societies face and here we'll look at three man-made problems the Scripture says will bring the end to this world. First we'll look at disease then starvation and finally WW3 - Hazon (Revelation) 9:18; nearly all of it is motivated by man's greed. If you look you'll certainly see all these pieces coming together so, we'll look first at disease. With the coming of that beast COVID-19 we're less cognizant of the noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) that are far more devastating so, for the sake of proving a point, let's take a look at a NCD: cancer. I'm not an M.D. but it has been postulated that all cancers are enabled consequent to a lack of vitamin B17 in your system; consequently they should all be cured by replenishing vitamin B17. Coincidentally it just so happens replenishing vitamin B17 seems to work. So, why doesn't the medical community simply tell you to ingest B17 to avert cancer? Hint: wouldn't that do away with the incredibly lucrative cancer money making machine? Incidentally, your detox foods must be organic or they surely will not assist you in your battle with cancer. Another hint: any idea why there is no such thing as detox GMO foods? Here's another important note. Almonds are an excellent source of B17 but, not in America. Consequent to a tiny outbreak of salmonella that could have been handled simply by heating all almonds sold, instead in America we X-ray all almonds sold to assure their quality for human consumption and here in lies the problem. If you X-ray organic food, is it still organic? No! Wow, what a "coincidental boost" for the medical establishment. I'm sure fewer than 5% of the population even know these nuts are being irradiated and consequent to an ignorance of the facts less than 2% even caring. Don't include almonds or walnuts, those one time excellent sources of vitamin B17, in your diet. Taking note of the thought provoking points raised here and knowing the sole corporate objective worldwide is the acquisition of capital we see with globalization every nation of the world has become a corporation. Are you seeing the complete picture yet? Satan owns this world and everything of it: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 4:8-11. This being true Satan now has all the world pursuing them and this is Satan's objective; they desire to be the one motivation for mankind's existence: globally. So as every nation pursues capital just as any corporation would, so every nation is shamelessly pursuing Satan for Satan is the source of all capital: Timotiyos Aleph (1 Timothy) 6:9-10. So we see Satan is truly pulling every string significant to the people of this world; however for the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey Satan and the world are of little consequence for we are not of this world: Yohanan (John) 15:16-22. Now, how big is the problem of starvation?

As we look at the world we've always seen a little starvation in certain nations however today starvation is rising at a horribly rapid pace. It's due to several things which include the conflict in Ukraine but, Ukraine is only fuel for the fire as it was rising even before that and this all points back to the Scripture prophecy of world starvation: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 9:19-20. It will soon be upon us, it will happen in the last days and we are quickly approaching the last days: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 24:2-6. We've already looked at the nations of the world with the most severe problems but, how about the wealthier nations? Looking at the wealthier nations we see their not immune but wait, you don't believe Scripture alone. Then look out into the world where you'll see it's only further substantiated by the thoughts of men. Clearly when you look you can't help but realize the blatantly apparent scriptural truth is everywhere. World starvation is quickly becoming a reality and soon we will realize world hunger will continue to grow as long as there is conflict among men. We also know there will be conflict among men until their end, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 24:4-13, to accompany the starvation men will know. Seeing Yahushua has told us these things will be we can know with certainty they will be; they cannot be averted. And just as there is no way mankind will avert the ravage of disease and starvation they shall not escape the devastation of WW3.

At the time of this writing we are five years into the Seven Year Tribulation which began about September 27th of 2017 and it appears things are materializing pretty much as I believed they would. Currently we're seeing Russia and the United Nations flirting with conflict. The Scripture speaks of a world conflict ending with the bear devouring the remains of the eagle: Russia devouring the remains of America. There is no way I can be certain the present conflict is a prelude to WW3 but, based simply on the timing of everything and current Russian sentiment it seems to be a bit more than a mere a plausible explanation. Remember, this conflict must have run it's course at least seven months before the end for everything to workout as I see the conflict in Scripture, Dani`el (Daniel) 7:1-8, working out. You see, all those things set to take place after WW3 will require one week for completion. And remember, once again, a week in this part of Scripture is the equivalent of seven months and it appears the world will exist one week after WW3 concludes: see Dani`el 9:27. In the middle of the last week, the last seven months of time, we'll see Satan command the cessation of church attendance that everyone will definitely know they are worshiping them. This means for the last three months, in the middle of the last week, there will be no more bogus religions. All this world will know for certain, all there is of this world belongs to Satan: the gods of this world.

We've Been Told

We're told in Dani`el 7:4 of a lion with the wings of an Eagle and this is the representation of the combined might of England and America. England and America are seen as one because they actually are. Consequent to all the debt America generated during the Civil War and the fact that England financed both the north and south through nearly the whole war compounded by an incredibly generous loan after the war all of America now owes a debt to England that was structured so America will never be able to repay it. Hence, America is the military arm of England. Reading this verse we can clearly see these are the losers in the final great battle and it actually appears England has been beaten but America is no more at all: "I was looking until its wings were plucked off...". In Dani`el 7:5 Russia is obviously the bear. The bear is apparently hurt but, as we read, we see it is devouring the last of America. In Dani`el 7:6 China is represented by the four headed winged leopard which, by it's description, could also pass as a dragon: China's unofficial representation. For a short while China will take sole dominion of all the world with Russia as it's partner. Then in Dani`el 7:7-8 we see Satan, represented by the upper echelon of the Secret Societies and the Catholic church, take even more personal control of all things earthly. Then the spiritual war between Satan and their demons with all their minions goes into full swing against the chosen and save of Yod Hey Vav Hey; enter Hazon (Revelation) 11:1-13.

In the preceding paragraph we looked at Dani`el 7:4-8 and interestingly enough if we now look at Hazon 13:2 we'll see the three surviving beasts of Dani`el 7:4-6 are all described as one beast. This is only further proof all the world and all mankind excepting only those of Yod Hey Vav Hey belong to Satan: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 4:8-10. If you'll look at Hazon 13:15 you'll see what is occurring right now as those of us who do not take the COVID 19 vaccination will soon be shut out of our jobs and many places we would like to go. Neither will we have any means of exchange: i.e., whatever's being used as currency. Although Yod Hey Vav Hey may provide other means for those of us who are His, this effectively will amount to our deaths within society as we will no longer be allowed to take part. Keep in mind this is not only in America, this is occurring worldwide for Satan are assuring themselves all the world is under their control; the consolation prize for the taking of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Consequently today we have an abundance of Bibles identifying Gadre'el, Gad or "God" as creator of all things while in truth, he is not.

Q - We watch the conflict between Russia and Ukraine fueled by the western allies heat up and we wonder. We watch the posturing between China and America as it progresses toward a fever pitch and we wonder. We see tempers worldwide are agitated while potentially man-made diseases are running rampant throughout all the world and we wonder. As we ponder these thoughts, a question comes to mind; is it possible the world is facing that great decimation?.

A - The timing is right so, could it be we're approaching the end of the tribulation period? That time when all the world will suffer a great decimation consequent to death by disease and death by famine and even more death by war. As I've said the timing is right and the atmosphere is prime as it seems we're living in the time of Hazon (Revelation) 9:18. Know that Scripture is cryptically written meaning "the fire and the smoke and the sulphur" are speaking of the deaths generated by disease, famine and war; all the means of mass scale death we're facing today. Unfortunately seeing all that is occurring today many are still saying "we cannot know for certain" and they base their sentiments on Tas' loniqim Aleph (1 Thessalonians) 5:1-3; verses written for the lost world. However if you are kin to His chosen, like a brother or sister, you can be certain you too will hear His Will for all the lost world and for you: Tas' loniqim Aleph 5:4-6.

Q - Looking at the world today it should be obvious that Satan has control over every aspect of life on this earth or, maybe, it's not obvious to you. If it's not obvious to you walk with me while I show you just a little evidence of their influence and control.

A - Let's begin with a look at something that almost no one thinks about. How about if we begin by taking a look at the multitude of obelisks throughout the world. Upon realizing what the obelisk is, can there be any question Yod Hey Vav Hey is absent from this world? Take a look at another presentation. Now ask yourself, "who've I been praying to for as long as I've been praying"? Look at this and know that every utterance of Amen from your mouth has been a praise to the demon Amen-Ra. Can you now comprehend the great anger of Yod Hey Vav Hey toward mankind? Many people sit in churches that are not of Yod Hey Vav Hey and praise demons; some on Saturday mornings and most on Sunday mornings many even on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Do you understand yet why the world is in such turmoil?

Q - Yod Hey Vav Hey speaks throughout all Scripture of the dichotomy existing between His chosen and His saved compared to Satan's lost. I would like to take a look at His perception of lost mankind and if you would I would like you to walk with me while I take a look at a short book in Scripture.

A - Let us go to Yehudah (Jude) 1:10-19 where we see in Yehudah 1:10 Yod Hey Vav Hey speaking of the lost says "But these blaspheme that which they do not know. And that which they know naturally, like unreasoning beasts, in these they corrupt themselves". We cannot know for certain what it is Yod Hey Vav Hey is speaking of however, we can be 99% sure there is at least one thing we can interpret from this. He has said "that which they know naturally" and there is one thing every living thing on this earth knows naturally: sex. Birds do it, horses do it even sharks do it and none were taught which leads me to conclude this is what mankind know naturally and like unreasoning beast in this they corrupt themselves. Well some may say if it's natural, how is it corrupting themselves? Okay, that warrants a very simple answer; Yod Hey Vav Hey tells you so: Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 18:22-24. Now adultery is a different sin before Elohim. I'm almost sure we'll all admit to knowing adultery is a sin but the sin of adultery is not only extramarital sex. In the sight of Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim it is also premarital sex: Qorintiyim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 5:1-7. Any sex outside of marriage is adulterous in the sight of Elohim. Consider that then take a look at the lifestyles of many men and possibly even more women then ask yourself if you understand His judgment of this world.

We see in Yehudah 1:11 Yod Hey Vav Hey tells us these people are doomed to suffer the torment leading to the second death: Hazon (Revelation) 20:9-15. The reward they've been given is compensation for giving themselves to "the delusion of Bil'am"; it's payment for following the devils to eternal death. From billionaires to those just making it to include many who currently are not making it their compensation depends on what they can offer Satan in return. Regardless, consequent to their life choices they constitute the living dead. Their all dead in body and spirit going through the agony of this life only to die and be awaken once more, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 22:2-14, then experience the assured horrors of the second death.

In Yehudah 1:12-13 Yod Hey Vav Hey continues to speak of lost mankind describing them as "waterless clouds borne about by the winds". Continuing to read we see He refers to them as "twice dead" obviously because they are dead in body and spirit; their not presently dead in body because they live but they're dead in spirit because He will not save them. Yod Hey Vav Hey sees all time - past, present and future - concurrently and He sees them dead: their lives are not eternal. They are dead in spirit because He does not intend to saved them. It should be blatantly obvious to all the first death is only a period of sleep and the second death coming on Judgment Day is the true death of the body and spirit. For just like the bodies and spirits of those chosen and those saved the bodies and spirits of the lost will be reunited on Judgment Day however, these are reunited for their torment and ultimate destruction. If anyone ever questioned the duality of mankind here we have proof a man has two parts and neither the body nor spirit will experience Judgment Day without the other. In Yehudah 1:13 Yod Hey Vav Hey says lost mankind are "...straying stars for whom blackness of darkness is kept forever"; behold, death in body and spirit, the fate of lost mankind.

We see in Yehudah 1:14-16 Yod Hey Vav Hey telling us through His servant Hanok "...Yod Hey Vav Hey comes with His myriads of set-apart ones, to execute judgment on all". This is judgement coming soon on a world that has turned from Him in pursuit of their own desires: the lusts of this world. And surely you know this judgment is on all the earth excepting only His saved who will remain until the judgement is complete: Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 9:1-11. After Judgment Day is complete He will gather His, Hazon (Revelation) 11:13, from the remains of this world and take them all to His set-apart heaven. All those who spoke against Yod Hey Vav Hey, particularly those following another gospel, will have been destroyed in the judgment. These are those described in Yehudah 1:16, they have a prearranged date with Judgment Day.

We see in Yehudah 1:17-19 Yod Hey Vav Hey is speaking to His as He refers to us as beloved. He tells us there will be mockers in these days which are the last days; these days from the beginning of the Seven Year Tribulation to the end of time. It's at the end of these days that time will cease and He will bring the torment of Judgment Day on all those who have opposed Him: Yehezqel 9:1-11.

Q - I received an email from Reddit in which someone asked a question to which I was compelled to respond. The question was "How do you live in the world but not be part of the world?" And to that question I responded...

A - I pondered this question for quite some time then, the answer fell upon me. If you are still working you go to work but, you should not socialize with your coworkers unless they share your religious beliefs. You should attend social gatherings at work but, your involvement should go no further than that. In you neighborhood you converse with your neighbors but, you don't make close friends of your neighbors unless they are of you religious mindset. Once again, the same thing applies when you meet someone at the mall, supermarket or anywhere you may go. Unless they're of your religious mindset, you are not to become more than casually involved except to witness to them. If your belief isn't accepted that's okay but, you don't make a close friend of that person. In Scripture there are several examples of people who didn't follow this warning of Yod Hey Vav Hey, King Yehoshaphat was one: Melakim Aleph (1 Kings) 22:2-50. Yod Hey Vav Hey told all Yisrael, Israel, this regarding all the nations of the world: Debarim (Deuteronomy) 7:1-4. Did you notice seven nations were named? In Scripture the numbers seven and ten represents completeness or all which in the following verse is saying all the earth excepting only His remnant, those He does not see as part of the world, are destroyed: Hazon (Revelation) 11:13. If you read the book of Yeshayahu, Isaiah, or Yirmeyahu, Jeremiah, or Yehezqel, Ezekiel, or Daniel or any of the minor prophets of Scripture you'll see most avoided involvement in the common affairs of the world; they didn't have conventional job, very few were married, very few had homes and the list goes on. Yehezqel is an ideal example. Yod Hey Vav Hey gave him a wife and took her when He was ready to put Yehezqel to work: Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 24:15-18. We see the commitment of the chosen continuously throughout Scripture and we see the commitment of Yod Hey Vav Hey to His people even unto the end: remember Hazon 11:13. We see Yod Hey Vav Hey puts the icing on the cake in Hazon 18:4-5 as He tells all who are His to come out of the churches, mosques, synagogues and all the other places of mankinds false worship. For if it's not true worship of Him, it's worship of Satan: the five who pretend to be one.

Q - It is imperative that we all understand the mercy of Yod Hey Vav Hey is long but, it's not limitless. Once the limit has been reached there will be no more mercy. This is what Judgment Day is all about: the mercy of Yod Hey Vav Hey coming to an end. Let's explore this.

A - The four chapters in the book of Yonah (Jonah) 1:1-4:11, show us the great mercy of Yod Hey Vav Hey but if we look closely at this development in history we'll see there is a requirement that mankind must be meet. In Yonah 3:2-10 we see the requirement of Yod Hey Vav Hey is simple. To know His mercy you must humble yourself to Him. We're given similar examples throughout Scripture of the mercy of Yod Hey Vav Hey but, we're also given examples of His judgment. Just as we see a perfect example of His mercy in the book of Yonah we are given a perfect example of His judgment through anger in the book of Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 30:8-15. This word to mankind is consistent throughout Scripture making it blatantly obvious that mankind is given a choice. They have the opportunity to humble themselves to Yod Hey Vav Hey that they will know His mercy meaning His salvation or if they refuse to humble themselves they will know His judgment. Yod Hey Vav Hey makes it clear the choice is theirs so, we'll examine salvation first.

All mankind excepting only a very few are given the opportunity to know the Salvation of Yod Hey Vav Hey. The very few who are not given this opportunity are those chosen by Yod Hey Vav Hey from before they were born. We know those Yod Hey Vav Hey chose for Himself He chose before they were born as they are spoken of in Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 1:4-7. We, like Yonah, must do the will of Yod Hey Vav Hey because He chose us and paid our sin debt putting us in debt to Him for all eternity. There are also those who are not chosen from before the foundation of the world but, as He desires, He will save them out of the world to compensate heaven for the one third of the angles taken out of heaven by Satan in Hazon (Revelation) 12:3-4. We know this is the intent of Yod Hey Vav Hey because He tells us so in Zekaryah (Zechariah) 13:8-9. Some Scriptures speaks of the remnant to be saved in Hazon 11:13 so you may say "one third is not a remnant" and you would be correct; however this one third has been taken over the duration of earth's existence, very few will remain on Judgment Day. Now we'll look at those given to Satan.

Allow me to remind you of Tehillim (Psalms) 53:1-3, Tehillim 58:3-5 and Romiyim (Romans) 3:10-18. The Scripture is replete with verses repeating this theme over and over. If we take a look at Mattithyahu (Matthew) 4:8-10 it's evident Gadreel and all of Satan were given all of this world. It has all been given unto them and this includes mankind. I say this to say everything of this world belongs to Satan; yes everything and unless Yod Hey Vav Hey has taken you out of the kingdom of Satan, you also belong to Satan.

Q - There is one question that has confounded me and I'd imagine many others above any other Scriptural question and that question is, when will the end be? Through the enlightenment granted me via the Set-apart Spirit I believe I've been empowered to boldly answer this question so using the Intsitute for Scriptural Research (ISR) Scripture I'll do that.

A - To answer this question we'll first look at Dani'el (Daniel) 12:11-12. Dani'el 12:11 opens with "And from the time that which is continual is taken away...". "That which is continual" is the mercy, the salvation, of Yod Hey Vav Hey - Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 5:25, Yeshayahu 9:12, Yeshayahu 9:17, Yeshayahu 9:21, Yeshayahu 10:4 - and it was taken away at the conclusion of the tribulation period: September 27th of 2017 to about August 24th of 2024. Please realize the end of the seven year tribulation period does not mean the end of the world, instead the tribulation period is the time Yod Hey Vav Hey separates His people from Satan's: Hazon (Revelation) 22:10-14. Know also Yod Hey Vav Hey uses the Hebrew calendar in which one year was three hundred sixty days. In Hazon 22:10-14 we see Yod Hey Vav Hey is judging all those who are not His as they are all damned to destruction in body and spirit: the meaning of eternal damnation. The verse continues saying "...and the abomination that lays waste is set up, is one thousand two hundred and ninety days". This one thousand two hundred and ninety days is the second half of the tribulation period during which His chosen are to complete the taking of His Good News to the world. Throughout all the tribulation period His chosen are to take His truth to the world. If at this time there is anyone Yod Hey Vav Hey desires to save whom His chosen have not reached with His Good News, Yod Hey Vav Hey will personally save them: Romiyim (Romans) 9:15-16. At the conclusion of the tribulation period, about August 24th of 2024, Yod Hey Vav Hey will stop saving: "...that which is continual is taken away...". That which is continual is taken away because the abomination that lays waste, Satan, is set up meaning the mercy of Yod Hey Vav Hey has ceased. Remember, Yod Hey Vav Hey and Satan cannot coexist, Yohanan (John) 14:29-31, as at this time Satan will be given complete dominion over all the earth. Although Satan was given great power with the death of the Messiah, their control will only be complete through the final six months of earth's existence: roughly August 25th of 2024 through February 24th of 2025. I previously thought the end of the tribulation meant the end of the world but, in light of my new understanding I realize it does not. The tribulation period is a time of distinction between the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey and the people of Satan who are the people of the world: Yohanan 15:18-19. Once the tribulation is complete the people of Yod Hey Vav Hey will go forty-five days into the time of Satan's complete dominion before we are raptured.

In Dani'el 12:12 we read "Blessed is he who is waiting earnestly, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days." This is the time of the rapture. The people of Yod Hey Vav Hey will be here forty-five days into the final six months which is the time of Satan's complete dominion. After forty-five days in Yod Hey Vav Hey will rapture the bodies of all the chosen and the saved reuniting them with their spirits. He will then rapture all the chosen who remain alive and finally He will mark and safeguard all the saved who remain alive for they will remain until the end: Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 9:1-11. There is another matter I must contend with here as the bodies of the lost will also be raised for the judgment but if so, where were their spirits while their bodies were in the ground? Once again Yod Hey Vav Hey answers this for us but, He must first open our eyes that we will see it: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 22:13-14. The spirits of the lost are kept in a holding place in a state of sleep until they are call back to their bodies for their judgment on Judgment Day. After this the torment will continue until the six months are complete but Yod Hey Vav Hey will remove or safeguard all who are His, both dead and alive, for if He did not remove the chosen and safeguard the saved whom He will leave His chosen who remained would require Him to ease the torment He is about to bring on the world: Marqos (Mark) 13:19-20. In verse 20 we're told "but because of the chosen ones, whom He chose, He shortened the days." He shortened the days for them, the chosen ones, only. Once again Dani'el 12:12 has been clearly telling us this for years however, I simple read right over it time and time again: "Blessed is he who is waiting earnestly, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days". Pray that Yod Hey Vav Hey Elohim will show you truth and you will recognize that which has been before all of our eyes for years. Dani'el 9:24-27 also warrants a look so we'll take a look at it as well.

In Dani'el 9:24 the references to weeks is not a reference to the conventional seven day week. We can know this because in Dani'el 10:2 Yod Hey Vav Hey refers to a conventional seven day week as a week of days. We can also be certain it's not a year because in Dani'el 9:1-2 Yod Hey Vav Hey refers to a year as a literal year so, what is meant by weeks? Remembering Yod Hey Vav Hey uses the same verses to convey more than one idea we look closely and contemplate, what could it be that we do not immediately see? Then, behold! Let us assume with the use of the term weeks He meant six months and proceed with this assumption. Following this assumption would mean this verse is saying thirty-five years "are decreed for your people and for your set-apart city...and to anoint the Most Set-apart". What is Yod Hey Vav Hey saying to us here? He is telling us of the coming Messiah. In Dani'el 9:25 Yod Hey Vav Hey intricately weaves together the life and death of the Messiah with the restoration of the temple; do you see it? In this verse we read "...from the going forth of the command to restore and build Yerushalayim until Messiah the Prince is seven weeks and sixty-two weeks". Here we have it, the definitive answer to the age old question concerning the age of the Messiah at His death and all the while it's been right here. If weeks are equivalent to six months then sixty-two weeks is equivalent to thirty one years. This makes the Messiah thirty-one years old when He began to take to Good News to the world. This would also make seven weeks equal to three and one half years which was the length of His work making Him thirty-four and a half years old when He was sacrificed. All the while outwardly this verse is speaking about the rebuilding of Yerushalayim and all it says about it is true however, reading below the surface we see Yod Hey Vav Hey is blessing us with so much more; if He has also blessed you with eyes that truly see, ears that truly hear and a mind He has granted comprehension of Him.

In Dani'el 9:26 we read "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off and have naught". Notice the seven weeks are not counted here and this is because El saw His Son dead the minute He began to bring the Good News to the world: Yod Hey Vav Hey the Three Who are One is Omniscient. The remaining sentences in this verse are speaking of our day as the coming prince Gadre'el, the leader of Satan, will arrived with his fellow destroyers - "Xaphan, Chayyliel, Beleth and Penemue" - remember Yehezqel 9:1-2. The ending of this world will be a horror, a horror that must be seen to comprehend it's magnitude and scope. I believe the full torment of Judgement Day will be six months however, it's at four and a half months that Yod Hey Vav Hey will rapture His people, remember Dani'el 12:11-12, and just one hour later, remember Hazon 11:13, the final judgment of this world will begin: Mattithyahu 24:29-31. We must remember to Yod Hey Vav Hey a thousand years is as a day, Kepha Bet (2 Peter) 3:8, meaning six months He would certainly refer to as a day hence, Judgement Day for mankind is actually six months but it will worsen greatly forty-five days in and run for a seemingly eternal four and a half months beyond that. This is why Yod Hey Vav Hey uses three chapters, Hazon 6:1-8:13, to tell us of Judgement Day; He is telling us it's not one day. In Dani'el 9:27 we read "And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week". In this verse he is Satan and the week spoken of is the last six months of earth's existence. It's the time following the tribulation period, it's the time when Satan will be given complete control to do as they will. For the first forty-five days of these six months the chosen and the save will be here as the rapture is yet to be however, after the rapture it will literally be hell on earth. Yod Hey Vav Hey will rapture all the chosen and the saved who are dead. He will then rapture all the chosen who remain alive and finally he will mark and safeguard all the saved who remain alive for they will remain until the end: remember Yehezqel 9:1-11. These will be those spoken of in Hazon 11:13. Do you remember the numbers seven and ten represent completeness meaning all but those who humble themselves to Him are dead making these spoken of all those He has marked for salvation in Yehezqel 9:1-7. Know also at the rapture He will raise the lost who are dead as they must die the second death, Hazon 21:8, and they will suffer this torment in whatever condition He will bring them back. As a related note we must notice Dani'el 12:2 and realize there are some who will not rise for the judgment: "many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth" but not all. Those who will not rise are the children of Adam and Eve before they sinned. These remained in the Garden of Eden when their parents were thrown out and they multiplied until they were no more. It was one of these Qayin, Cain, took to be his wife. Continuing with Dani'el 9:27 in the second sentence we read "And in the middle of the week he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering". This is telling us three months before the end of time Satan led by their leader Gadre'el will command all religious practices to cease and command everyone to worship them only. At this point Satan has absolute dominion over everything including how people worship and this is the granting of their greatest ambition. Although their dominion is short lived, they will reek pure havoc over all the earth. Regardless it's important everyone know, it's all the plan of Yod Hey Vav Hey: remember Yehezqel 9:1-11.

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